Chapter Twenty Three - Gentle Parenting

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"Damn what did you put in that suitcase? Bricks?" Jace says to Shayla as he places her suitcase in the trunk.

"I need to have multiple clothing options. The girls that get it....get it." She says matter of factly.

I shake my head at the new couple. Kayden then grabs my suitcase with his in the other, placing them both in the trunk. While Moose is right behind him with Jaz's luggage.

Moose shuts the trunk rubbing the palms of his hands together "alright we ready gang?" He questions everyone.

"Let's get it." Jace says as he walks around to open the passenger door for Shayla.

We all then pile in the SUV. Kayden and Moose sat in the middle seats while me and Jaz sat in the back.

"So how long is the commute again?" Jaz questions as Jace steers out of the driveway beginning our road trip.

"About two hours." Kayden replies.

"Just enough time for a nap." Moose says as he lays his head on Kayden's shoulder.

Kayden sighs at his friend but makes no move to brush him off. Instead he rest his head back on the head rest. I grabbed my blanket from my book bag covering Jaz and I.

"Thank you." Jaz says as she pulls out her book and I take my pillow resting my head to nap as well.

Hopefully the ride flies by.


Two hours later we have made it to our destination, Charleston. I look in awe as we pull into the driveway of Jace's family beach house.

It's beautiful.

It's a two story house with windows surrounding. I know there is so much natural light during the day that their light bill is probably the cheapest known to man kind.

"Jace this is really nice why are we just now getting an invite?" I say as we all make our way out of the SUV.

Jace scratch's the back of his head "It was for the boys, but you know we sharing now." He says shyly.

"How many rooms is it?" Jaz questions as we grab our suitcases rolling them up the driveway.

"Four rooms. All of them have king beds except one. That one has two full size beds." He answers.

"Perfect." I reply as we enter the beach house. "Jaz and I can take the room with the two full beds if y'all want."

I figured Jace and Shayla would want to share a room. While the boys would not be against having their own rooms.

"Read my mind Kali." Moose says running to claim one of the king bed rooms.

"The biggest one is ours." Jace yells. He then gives us directions to find our room.

Jaz and I make our way into our room gasping. It is really nice. There is a bathroom adjoined with our room. And a extra bed-like couch by the circled shaped window.

I approached the window looking out of it to see a pool with a dive board surround with a grill and lounge chairs.

"So the guys are thinking about grilling out today so we can enjoy the sun before it sets." I hear Shayla say as she enters the room.

I nod my head in agreement "sounds great."

"I second that." Jaz says flopping on her full sized bed. While Shayla decided to flop on mine.

"So what's the plans for tomorrow?" I question the girls.

"What about laying at the beach for a while then walking along the strip?" Shayla suggested.

Jaz sits up "that actually sounds nice."

"Let's do it." I agree seeing Shayla's gaze travel behind me. I'm assuming at the window. I turn in curiosity and witness Moose carrying lighter fluid towards the grill. Who put him in charge again?

"I hope Kayden or Jace is going to chaperone him. I just don't trust it." Jaz pipes up.

As if he could hear us. We see from the window Kayden pat Moose's back gently and takes the lighter fluid. He is definitely gentle parenting him.


"Now what if I couldn't swim." Shayla fussed at Jace wiping the water from her face.

We all finished eating our hamburgers and hotdogs. Then decided to enjoy the pool. Shayla was sitting on the edge of the pool with her legs dangling before Jace grabbed her and pulled her in.

"I knew you could." He responded with a wink.

She grabbed his shoulders using her upper body strength to dunk him underwater. I giggled at the two.

"Stop stop let me get my ammo." Jaz screamed as Moose was steadying spraying her with the water gun as she tried to fill hers.

Kayden shook his head with a small smile. "What are you thinking about?" I asked him.

"How lucky we are to have this friend group." He answers.

"Agreed." I say with a smile looking around at our friends.

"You know what's not lucky?" He questions and as soon as I turn my head to him I am sprayed with water.

I wiped the water from my face. "Kayden. Carson." I say slowly. He hands me a water gun. "What are you going to do about it?" He pokes with a smile displaying his dimples, ready to spray me again.

I splash him with water to catch him off guard then begin to spray, showing him no mercy.

We stayed outside at the poolside just enjoying the weather til dark. Then we all went to our rooms to freshen up for bed. Except Shayla, she's in here with us. In my bed, may I add.

Jaz turns on her side facing our bed while laying down. "Your not going to sleep in the room with your man?" I ask Shayla.

"No, he will be okay for one night. The first night is for the girls." She says with a smile. "That's if you don't mind sharing this bed Kali."

"We'll I mean you're already in here. I'm just joking. I don't mind girl. We're glad to have you tonight." I say.

"Good because I was going to say I was just asking to be nice. You were going to have to hurl me out this bed." She teases.

I shake my head at her chuckling.

"And what's wrong with my bed?" Jaz pipes in acting offended and we all laugh in response.

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