Chapter Twenty Two - Straight Shooter

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"Are you sure we should go?" I question Shayla as we both change into our workout clothes.

She's getting ready to attend cross fit with Jace. While I decided to go shoot some ball in the gym.

She ties her shoes "Yes Jace said his family said we all should use it as a break and enjoy it. Their words verbatim not mine." Shayla confirms.

Yesterday Shayla informed us while we were doing clinical paperwork together about a spring break trip.

Jace's family own a beach house in Florida. Every year for spring break the boys road trip to spend a week there. This year we got an invite. Probably from the courtesy of Shayla.

"Come on it'll be fun." She encouraged with a smile.

I look over at her putting my curly hair into a high ponytail returning her smile. It's clear that she really wants us to go. And I can't lie I love seeing her as happy as Jace makes her.

"What does Jaz think about this?" I ask in thought.

Shayla grabbed her water bottle then handed me mine "You heard her yesterday. She said her toes need some sand."

"So I'll just take that as a yes." Shayla says with a chuckle.

"Okay." I agree to go.


"Nice shot."

I turn around knowing it was Kayden by his voice.

His curly hair was damp and he has on shorts and a black tee hugging his muscle may I add. Pretty sure he just left from the gym.

"Hi." I say as I turn back around grabbing the ball then approaching him.

"Not going to lie. I was surprised when I heard from you today." He said as I handed him the ball.

I felt instant guilt. Today I texted him asking if he wanted to ball today. He said yes, he never turns down an opportunity to play basketball.

"I'm sorry." I say looking into his eyes. "Really."

He nods his head. "So your done avoiding me?" He ask bluntly. That's Kayden for you a straight shooter. Never sugar coating.

"I wasn't trying to avoid you. I was just embarrassed okay." I say looking away.

"About what?" He asked confused.

"Everything." I say looking back into his questioning eyes. "Can we just play ball please?" I say letting out a breath.

"On one condition." He says. "No one on one today."

I look at him in confusion.

"For every shot I make you answer my questions.... Truthfully." He explains.

He hands me the ball and began walking to the goal "How will you know if I'm telling the truth? What if I lie?" I question.

He turns around walking backwards looking at me "I know when you lie Kali. And if you lie I'll tell Jaz who actually killed her fish." He says with a smirk.

My jaw drops and he bursts out into laughter.

Small confession.

Last year Jaz's Big. Had gotten her a fish as a gift. I know not the typical gift. A big is a older sister within the sorority in case you wanted to know.

Anyways, Jaz wanted a fish like dory from Nemo. So her Big had gotten her one.

Me trying to be a good friend. I thought I would change her fish tank water and filter out for her to welcome Dory home. The next day Jaz entered the living room Dory junior had passed.

Jaz thought it was because of dory not adjusting to the atmosphere of being the only fish in the tank. She did not know about my act of kindness that backfired.

And I never told her.

I did feel guilty and felt like I needed to tell someone so I told Kayden. Who is now trying to use it as leverage against me.

"You wouldn't." I say threateningly.

"Oh but I would." He winks.

"We'll what do I get if I make a shot?" I ask.

He paused for a moment "What do you want?"

"Forgiveness." I say honestly.

"Okay." He says softly. "You can shoot first." He nods his head to the goal.

I walk to the goal standing from the pointer line shooting a three. I missed.

"Test shot." I say with a small smile. "What are we doing though like just free throws or..?"

"Let's play it like horse. Shot from anywhere make it next person shots from your spot and answer the question asked. Miss it and next person shoots anywhere of their choice." He says crossing his arms. "The basket didn't count shoot again." He says.

I shoot making the three. "So does that count as my forgiveness?" I ask throwing the ball to him moving so he can shoot from the free throw line.

He tossed the ball making the net "Your were already forgiven before we stepped foot on the court. Just had to tease you for it."

My jaw drops at his statement. He retrieves the ball throwing it to me. I throw a jump shot a little farther from the free throw line unfortunately missing it.

I grab the the ball throwing it to Kayden. He catches it deciding to shoot from half court.

He makes it.

His lips twitch upward leaving his dimple on display "Whats everything?" He questions.

"Huh?" I ask in confusion.

"Everything you were embarrassment about?" He says bluntly.

I throw my head back with a groan "Can we not do this?" I say.

"I made the shot. From half court may I add. I think in fairness I should get an answer." He reasons. I grab the ball shooting where he was from half court. Of course I missed.

"Kissing you. Avoiding you. Admitting my feelings. Everything." I confess walking up to him handing him the ball.

He doesn't take it. He looks into my eyes almost as if he was studying me. Trying to understand what I didn't understand myself.

He licks his lips finally accepting the ball jogging to the free throw line throwing the shot and of course making it.

Maybe I shouldn't have agreed to this.

"Can we go back to being the friends we were? Before you were embarrassed?" He asked sincerely.

He then retrieved the ball handing it to me as if it was a piece offering. I nod my head in agreement.

He shakes his head "I kind of need you to say it." He explains. And now I'm the one that can read his mind. Hearing me verbally say it is similar to a written contract.

He truly wanted our friendship back. Without the awkwardness of the elephant in the room.

"Yes your my best friend Kayden. Always."

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