Chapter Twelve - Old Times

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"Okay now pull the handles down at chest level slowly then back up." Kayden coached me.

We are currently in the school gym. I decided to take his offer serious when he said he would help me at the gym. It's a little embarrassing when you go to help move patients and you barely contribute any help.

"Okay good, but now this time do it without letting it go completely as you go back up." He encouraged.

After pulling it down at chest level I lift it back up slowly without letting it hit the top and repeating again.

Kayden clapped his hands as a proud coach would "There we go. Okay last set."

After I finished my last set he smiled proudly and gave me a high five.

"Sit there a minute and rest. Then we will do some stretches so your not as sore in the morning." He stated before retreating.

I laid my head back and sighed and as I lifted it back up. Kayden approached me with a cold water bottle.

"Thank you." I said exhausted and took a few sips.

"Alright let's stretch." He motioned his head to the yoga mats on the floor he set up for us.

I gave him an expressionless look and he grabbed my hand not containing the water bottle and pulled me off the machine in one quick motion.

I huffed and followed him to the yoga mats to stretch.

"You know what I kind of feel better after working out. Like I've been productive." I say to Kayden as we are walking to the school cafe.

"See it's not that bad is it." He says.

"Now I didn't say all that."

He chuckled in response "You never can give a man credit when it's due." I laughed in response.

We made our way in to the cafe and browsed the food. They were currently serving tacos in one line and pasta in the other.

I decided I would get a plate of both. I hope nobody looks at my plates and judge me. But did they just do a workout? No.

We were making our way over to the seats when Moose called Kayden's name from one of the tables.

He was sitting at a long table in the middle with Jace and a few others from the basketball team and some girls from the dance team.

We made our way over to their table with our plates and Jace convinced us to sit down and join them.

I already know the guys and are familiar with their teammates but I've never conversed with the girls from the dance team.

The guys of course know them because they dance at their games and always attend the after parties.

"I'm so proud of y'all for making it to state." One of the girls from the dance team said.

Eventually I found out her name was Sarah when one of their teammates responded.

Sarah is pretty. She has long blond hair and blue eyes. She seemed pretty nice too.

"My ex boyfriend is on Riverside and it felt like payback to watch them lose." She giggled shamelessly.

"When is the state game?" I question.

"Two weeks from now since next week is another bye week." Kayden answered and I nodded my head in response.

The brown headed girl beside Sarah observed Kayden and I before turning back to her food.

I ate all of my taco's and about half of my pasta. I always get more than I can eat. My appetite is huge but the amount of space in my stomach is a different story.

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