11. How Not To Marry Your Cousin

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The only thing that registered in Gwen's mind when she awoke later that night was immense pain and suffering. Then, the pleasant smell of mince pie.

"You're awake."

Remus was at her side. She had no idea how long he'd been there, or even what time it was—but the windows looming over the hospital beds showed nothing but an expanse of pitch black littered with white stars, so clearly very late. The Quidditch match must've ended long ago.

"Alright, Lupin?" Gwen rubbed her eyes, figuring she must've looked like proper shit. "What are you doing here?"

He held up a plate Gwen hadn't noticed he was holding; it was packed with that night's dinner, still warm and wafting delicious scents towards her starving stomach.

"Brought you some dinner." Then, he clicked his tongue, tilting his head as though he was giving in. "And, I felt bad."

She raised her eyebrows, mouth already full from the plate he'd set in front of her. "Felt bad?"

Remus's eyes traveled a few beds over, to where two sleeping figures laid: Sirius and Walker. Gwen hadn't been awake when the two of them had been brought in, but Jackie had briefed her on their brawl earlier, even if Gwen had been under a bit of medicine at the time.

"It's just safe to say that wasn't the most friendly match in history," Remus said, lifting a shoulder. Then he exhaled a scoffing laugh. "Can't believe Sirius. Such a bloody prat."

Gwen laughed, looking to Remus with an odd sense of shock. "You're not taking your own House's side in this? How mature are you, Remus?"

"I may be a Gryffindor above all else, but I can tell when somebody's in the wrong," he said. He gave her a dull look, that told her he did not agree with Sirius's way out of things. Then, he narrowed his eyes. "You're in the wrong, too, you know."

Her eyebrows shot up. "What d'you mean? With the match?"

"With Prongs." Remus shifted in his seat, lowering his voice. "You had no right, Gwen."

A sour taste filled her mouth, overtaking the savory sauce of the mash. "He told you, did he?"

Remus gave her a flat glare. "Don't try to weasel your way out of this. You were wrong, and you know it. And I know he acted all high and mighty and thinks he has the advantage here, but—and don't tell him I told you this—he's completely kicking himself. He misses you."

     "Remus." Gwen looked unconvinced. "He's just broken my rib."

     He winced, nodding. "Yeah, that.. wasn't his best moment. He lets his anger blind him and doesn't do anything about it, when he gets in a row with people he cares about. But that's what is so bloody nice about James, y'know? How much he cares about things. When he heard Sirius'd been kicked out of his house, he just about fell over himself in his hurry to dust up his spare bedroom. Marlene's broom broke fourth year during a practice while she was on it and he was next to her in the hospital wing for the full week. When he found out I—"

Suddenly, Remus paused, regarding Gwen from afar. "You know I'm a werewolf."

She twisted her lips to the side. "Mhm."

"And you haven't told everyone."


Remus nodded slowly, and they seemed to come to an understanding without saying anything else. He sat up straighter in his chair, and even though he didn't carry on with the topic, Gwen could see a new gleam in his eye that hadn't been there before.

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