14. Care of Magical Creatures

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"I can't believe you're actually doing this essay," groaned Walker, rolling his head back in annoyance. He slid his legs over the bench of the Ravenclaw table and grumbled a look in Gwen's direction. "That means Kettleburn's going to be expecting the rest of us to do it, too."

     "Maybe that's what he meant by assigning it," Gwen suggested, rolling her eyes. "It's only two pages, Walker, really. And I thought you loved the Nifflers when he brought them in last week?"

     "When I held one," Walker argued. "Not when I have to bloody make up two full pages on their stealth strategies and how it affects their interpolation of breeding."

     "Sounds boring," Jackie said, feigning a yawn. "This is why you drop Care of Magical Creatures after O.W.L.s. Take it from me. You don't even need that credit to become an Auror, Gwen."

     "No," she said pointedly, "but I don't want to spend my last two years here slacking off, like you. And besides, I find the lessons entertaining."

Walker rolled his eyes, jabbing his fork into the pile of peas on his lunch plate. "You and nobody else."

Gwen shoved his shoulder. "Whatever, prick."

"You lot hear about what Snape said to Evans last night?" Jackie began, blithely, attention still on the plate in front of her. Every day, Gwen was reminded of her friend's title as biggest gossip of the school. "Called her a Mudblood, straight to her face. Supposedly, he finally told her he fancies her and she—rightfully so—was disgusted. I just can't believe—"

Jackie's usual gossip rant was cut short when somebody cleared their throat from behind Gwen, an expectant noise from someone much too pompous to otherwise announce themselves. This was how Gwen knew who would be standing behind her before she even turned around.

"Oh, Potter," she said, giving him a feigned smile. "Always a pleasure, with you."

He had his hands folded behind his back. He nodded to Jackie and Walker in greeting, then pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, even though they weren't falling down.

"I'm here to ask a favor," he announced, too spectacularly. He narrowed his eyes on Gwen and pointed right at her. "From you, my friend."

Gwen frowned thoughtfully. "Not sure I want to be involved in any of your pranks, if that's what you're—"

"It's not," James said quickly. "We got busted last night for trying to sneak the Nifflers into the Slytherin Common Room. Sirius and Remus've got detention for a week."

Gwen arched an eyebrow. "But not you or Peter?"

He grinned. "Invisibility Cloak can only fit two of us now, unfortunately. Wormtail and I were got last month, so it was Moony and Padfoot's go. Anyway, that's not what I was here to talk about—I have an important question to ask you."

"If it's about the sixth-year ball," Jackie scowled, "I'm offing myself in front of you."

James scrunched his brow and nodded to Jackie slowly. "Right. Good thing it's not. I just—well, Gwen, you're doing really well in Kettleburn's class. I, however, am not. I need your help getting my marks up so I can get my N.E.W.T.s next year."

     "Thinking ahead," Walker said, reproachfully. "I thought better of you, Potter. Live in the moment."

     "Don't listen to him," suggested Gwen, standing. She gathered her bag and slid her arm into James's, traipsing off with him out of the Great Hall. "James, I don't think you understand. I have been waiting for the day you'd come to me for academic help."

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