20. Summer, 1977

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My holiday's been alright, I suppose—can't complain, at least. As for James's parents—Effie is the most hospitable woman I've ever met. She's baked us more treats than Peter can consume, and that's saying something. And James's dad is spritely, at least, if a bit... eh, old. They're nice enough folks. Sirius says he's never felt more welcome (and to tell you hi). O'Brien also mentioned you in his last letter—wants your address so he can write you himself. Ask me, I think he quite fancies you...

Haven't heard about Gwen, though. You said she hasn't written you, either? Wouldn't be surprised if it was just me, or Peter, that she hasn't spoken to, but James hasn't heard from her since school let out, and he's trying not to let it show but I know he's thinking hard about it. Oh well, I suppose she's just busy revising for NEWTs already...

And yes, thank you for asking—the summer reading isn't too difficult. Sure you could catch up once you get back from the wharf. I've been tutoring Padfoot over it, so I could always help you out, some. Just say the word. I'm glad some people still actually care about their marks.

Anyway, thank you for writing. With nothing from Gwen, James's owl's been bored recently—started pecking at Wormtail (Sirius thinks it can sense he's a rat). I'll tell the others you say hi, and you give your mum my wishes.

I'll let you know if any of us hear from Gwen.



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To whom it may concern,

I know you're all holed up at the Potter's, so this letter can be addressed to anyone who picks it up first.

I was only wondering if any of you lot have heard from Gwen since school. She showed at my graduation celebration last day of classes, but only for an hour, and she never replied to my thank-you note for the treacle tarts. This is quite out of character, don't you think?

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