26. You Know Who?

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                                      The mutually agreed-on accord was that, to respect the possibility of an attack on Hogwarts, the Order would meet once a week on school grounds under Dumbledore's eye for each side to give the other a rundown ...

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                                      The mutually agreed-on accord was that, to respect the possibility of an attack on Hogwarts, the Order would meet once a week on school grounds under Dumbledore's eye for each side to give the other a rundown on the week's events.

     Gwen, now with no choice but to tag along with the Order's necessities, due to the binding gem that sat atop her ring finger (James had graciously removed the charm after three more burn incidents, and plenty of Gwen's pleas), couldn't say she wasn't strung up at the idea of an attack. So, regretfully, she found herself trailing along behind James, not at all enjoying herself—though it was hard to be upset when she was with James.

     The first meeting—and all meetings thereafter, it was decided—was to be held in a quaint little cottage on the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest, down at the bottom of the hill nearest the viaduct. It was a rundown brick house, only one room, and barely large enough to hold the selected members of the Order. Hagrid kept muttering about that he might look into asking Dumbledore if he could reside there. Gwen figured it probably used to be some groundskeeper's abode, and she wondered, momentarily, whether she had ever seen a groundskeeper at the castle.

But then Moody was grumbling around for everyone to listen up, and she turned to face the scarred man, her hand slipping into James's for stability.

"It's been two and a half weeks since we were all together," Moody said to the rest of them, both his magical and non-magical eyes skimming over the members before him. He set both his hands on his staff. "We're looking for any sort of updates from our last meeting. Any."

The students—the Birds of Prey, the Order had begun to call them so as to draw suspicion away from them in the case of any information falling into wrong hands—blinked, all sharing a look between the eight of them.

"Um.." Mary swallowed, and she lifted her shoulders. "It's N.E.W.T. season. Marlene and I've spent the last few days in the library."

"Have you heard anything?" Ted asked, curiously, looking between Mary and Marlene. "We're looking for any sort of information. Specifically from any Slytherins."

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