Chapter 3

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- I just want to make sure that Ryan's parents will take good care of her. - Aunt Gemma said, when we were at the police station. She was interrogated by a policeman and I was sitting next to them trying to calm down after all of this. 

- They'll be here in a minute, Ms. Reed. - the policeman said. - Returning to the last question. Who did your creation kill and why? 

Aunt Gemma signed. 

- She killed my neighbour's dog, because it bit Cady, she killed my neighbour, because Cady was afraid of her. She killed that boy from the school, because he was bullying Cady. I don't know why she killed my boss and his assistant, because they where no threat for my niece, but... I have an idea. - she looked at me fleetingly. - Should I tell you the truth while Cady hears our conversation? 

I shrudded. What was Aunt Gemma hiding from me? The policeman looked at me too. 

- I think your niece deserves to know the truth. - he answered looking back at my aunt. It was sure that it wasn't easy for her. However, for me it wasn't either. 

- My boss, David Lin, after seeing what M3GAN is capable of, wanted me to create many of her. This happened before anyone, including me or him, knew that she is a dangerous killer machine. Yestarday we found out that my boss' assistant, Kurt Smith, copied all files connected to her. That leads me to one answer. I think that maybe, but just maybe... M3GAN killed Mr. Lin and Mr. Smith, because she didn't want anyone co copy or destroy her. 

I was no longer listening to their conversation. I looked all around the room. If the files were really copied that means... M3GAN isn't really gone. She still might be out there somewhere. On the one hand I was reliefed and happy, because that would mean that I didn't kill or loose her. But on the other hand, I was.... really scared, because that means she will continue to kill people to protect me. Suddenly I understood that I just didn't want her to be like this. I didn't want her to be a killer. 

Suddenly something interrupted my thoughts. Someone went into the room. I noticed that these were Grandma Mary and Grandpa Frank. The policeman and Aunt Gemma turned to see them. 

- Hello, Gemma. - Grandma said kindly. - We heard about what happened to you and Cady. 

- Mrs. James, I'm so sorry, I didn't want Cady to get hurt. - Aunt Gemma tried to explain. Grandma smiled at her. 

- Don't be ashamed, my dear, you can call me "Mary" if you want. 

- Of course... Mary. 

Grandma and Grandpa turned to me. 

- Hello, sweetie. We missed you. - Grandpa said. I got up and came to them. I huged Grandpa and then Grandma. 

- Hi, Grandma. Hi, Grandpa. - I said, smiling misty. 

- Can we take her now? - Grandma Mary asked. The policeman nodded. 

- Of course. You're now your granddaughter's legal guardians, so you don't have to sign anything to take her. 

- I understand. Cady, you want to say goodbye to Aunt Gemma, before we go? - I nodded. 

- Yeah. 

- We'll be waiting for you on the corridor. - Grandpa said and then he and Grandma came out of the room. 

I looked at my Aunt. I already lost my parents, my only friend and was about to loose my Aunt. There's no words to describe how awful it is for me. 

I ran to Aunt Gemma and fell into her arms. 

- I'll miss you. - I cried. She huged me back as tightly and gently as she could. 

- I'll miss you too, kid. - she said, also crying. 

- What will I do without you? 

- I made a promise to you. And I always keep my promises. I will be back. 

We finally let go. I looked at the policeman. 

- Thank you. 

- You're welcome, girl. Go to your grandparents. They're waiting to take you home. 

I nodded. Then I looked at Gemma. At Aunt Gemma. 

- Goodbye... auntie. 

She looked at me sadly. 

- Goodbye, Cady. 

Then I came out of the room and let Grandma Mary and Grandpa Frank take me home. 

When we were home, we ate dinner. I cleaned myself, redressed and went to sleep. Grandma Mary offered to read a bedtime story for me, but I refused. I said I'm just tired. She turned off the lights and left my room closing the door. 

I started to cry loudly and desperately into the pillow. 

I remembered my loving moment with M3GAN. 

Why are you sad, Cady? Is it your arm? Does it still sore? Then what is it? 

She always knew how to make me feel better. She really cared about me. And because of my foolishness I'll probably never see her again. 

At any time you want to tell me something special about your parents. Something sad or happy or anything at all, you just tell me. And I'll keep it safe. We could listen to it whenever we want. 

I was an ungreatful bitch. I never repayed for everything she did for me, I never said thank you. I was feeling like a coward and fool. How could I do this to her? 

- You shoot me down, but I won't fall, I am titanium... Your smile is everything for me, Cady. 

When I heard this familiar voice I looked to the left. And then I froze. 

It can't be...

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