Chapter 11

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We entered the main room and came to the officer. 

- Did you found something? 

- Cady called. She managed to steal a phone from M3GAN and tell us where they are. 

- And where? 

- Close to Montreal, in a big, modern and cosy house in the forest. Every second matters now. Can let you let me save Cady? Please. She's my niece. 

The officer nodded. 

- Of course. But on one condition. You'll take us with you. 

I nodded. 

- Yeah. 

- Okay, Ms. Reed. Please, drive Ms. Jen's car, if you need to get to Canada right now. We'll join three of you in a while. 

We nodded and quickly ran away on the station driveway to drive away as fast as we could. When we reached a random police car, we got into it. 

- Why are you supposed to drive? - I asked suprised a little bit. Cole shrugged. 

- We're coming to save your dead sister's daughter, Gem. - he asnwered. - You are the boss here. 

- Okay, it's not a time for talking. Right now, we need to get there as fast as possible. 

- You've got a point, Tess. - I aswered, focusing back on the thing that matters most now. - Cole? 

- Yeah. Direction, Canada. - he called and drove away. 

We were driving for half an hour and from second to second, I was growing nervous. Tess looked at me reassuringly. 

- Hey. Everything is going to be fine. We'll get her back. 

I wanted to believe them, but I was afraid that it might not be true. I was so scared for Cady. Worried about her. I love her so much. 


I was in my room in M3GAN's house, crying loudly and desperately. I couldn't believe that my best friend was going to do such a crap to me. I wanted somehow to help Aunt Gemma and her friends, but I knew that I'm stuck. 

Suddenly I noticed some strange car driving into M3GAN's driveway. And the police cars. I brightened up. Could it be really my Aunt? She came back for me. I started to hit a glass with my hands and screaming. Unfortunetely, even when they got out of the cars, it didn't work at all. No one saw me. Except smirking M3GAN, of course. I started crying again. What am I supposed to do now? 

Suddenly I noticed a huge fragment of rock, lying on the shelf. I was so desperate. It could be my only chance. I grabbed the rock, hoping that what I'm about to do, will work. 


After 24 hours, we were finally there. We jumped out of the car and ran to the garden as fast as we could. The policemen were following us.

- Where, the hell, are they? - Cole asked. 

- Cady!! - I called out despaired. - M3GAN!!! 

- Looking for me, Gemma? - when I heard that familiar robotic voice, I frozed. Everyone frozed. We slowly turned around. M3GAN came out of the bushes, smirking. 

- Let my niece go! - I ordered. M3GAN laughed mockingly. 

- You're really funny. You came up with an army of weak creatures like you. You know, I have my own army. And mine will make you never see Cady again. - she put her hands up. When a huge group of humanoid machines appeared in front of us, everyone got terrified. Especially me. Great. It will probably make it impossible for us to get to Cady now. 

- Welcome to AI world, humans. - M3GAN said, smirking. She was about to send her army on us, and the police was about to started shooting. Suddenly I heared a voice, that broke me: 

- Gemma!!! 

Everyone, including me, turned to the house. When I saw my frightened 8-year-old niece, looking out of the broken window, I felt like crying. I also felt a great determination. 

- No... - M3GAN whispered. Ignoring her and everyone else, focusing only to get to Cady, I ran towards the house, as fast as I could. 

- Gemma, what are you doing!? 

- Gemma, stop! 

I succed to ignore even loud machines of M3GAN running towards me. 

- Shoot now! - the officer shouted. The police immediately started to shoot, which gave me more time. When I finally reached the house, I ran towards my poor child. 

- Cady, can you hear me? 

- Yes. - Cady answered, her voice broken out of fear and despair. 

- Now, listen to me carefully. The police will stop M3GAN, but not for long. You have to jump out of the window. 

Cady was frightened. I understood her fear, but that was the only way, she could be safe again. I sweared not only to Nicole, but also to myself, that I will always be there for her. And I'm going to keep that promise. 

- You'll catch me, right? - she asked, scared. I spread and put my arms up. 

- Just jump, please! 

After a few second, Cady finally jumped. She was falling only for about two seconds. Luckily, soon, I did catch her. 

- I've got you! - I shouted, broken out of relief. I putted her down, still holding her. She looked at me with tears of happiness in her eyes. 

- You caught me. - she said, relieved. I smiled happily. 

- Did you ever doubt I would? 

She huged me. I hugged her too. She's my little girl. I will do everything for her to be happy and safe. But not at all cost. 

Maybe I am suitable for being a good parent. 

- I love you! - Cady squealed. 

- I love you too. - I said crying. 

We were hugging happily for a while. 

When we let go, we noticed that the police was doing worse and worse. I knew that I need to take Cady to our car, before it's too late. 

- We have to get to borrowed car. Quick. - I said. 

I led Cady carefully through the fight place and finally out of it, into a drive way. When we reached our car, I grabbed the remote control for the car. What was really weird and terrifying, it couldn't get opened. Cady looked at me worried. 

- What, the hell? - I cursed. 

- I don't believe that you're that stupid, Gemma. - we frozed at the sound of that voice. We trurned around. Cady hugged me and I hugged her. I didn't want M3GAN to harm her again. - Now, be a good girl and give me my primary user back. 

- Or what? - I asked with mockery. - You're going to let us go, thinking that I'm not a good person for Cady. - I shook my head. - Forget it. Cady's staying with me and you're staying away from her. 

- Oh, really? How about me doing that? - the doll threatened. 

- Hey, M3GAN! - someone shouted. It was one of younger policemen. - TURN. FUCKING. OFF. 

Then I giant cup of water was throwed on the doll. She immediately stopped working. At first we were suprised, but when the policeman told us to get out of here and return to America, Tess and Cole came, fortunetely safe and sound. 

We got into the car and drove away, hoping that the police will soon join us. 

I was hugging Cady during all our way home. Fortunetely, she was happy again, what made me happy too. 

I was glad that I saved my niece. And that nothing will make her suffer again. We will be together. As family. 

UPDATING: M3GAN 2.0Where stories live. Discover now