Chapter 6

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The morning, house of Mary James and Frank James. 

Mary got out of the bed and went to clean and redressed herself. When she was done, she went to her granddaughter's room to say hello to her. When she entered the room, she was suprised and terrified by seeing that Cady was not there. 

- Cady? 

She was looking all around the house, but her granddaughter was really gone. Terrified Mary ran into her room and woke her husband up. 

- What happened? 

- Frank, it's Cady! She's gone! 

- What? 

- She's nowhere in the house. 

Frightened grandparents were looking all around their territory, but Cady was nowhere to be seen. They called the police. 

The police was interrogating them. When they were done, Mary asked: 

- Please, tell it to our daughter-in-law, Gemma Reed. 

- It's Cady's aunt? 

- Yes. 

- Don't worry, Mrs. James. Ms. Reed will be informed of that. If she knows something, it might help us find your granddaughter. 

- Thank you. 

When the police gone away, Mary and Frank were hoping that Cady would be found safe and sound. 


I was sitting alone in the cell and thinking of my past. 

Suddenly the policeman came and opened the door. 

- Ms. Reed. - the policeman said. - Mr. and Mrs. James called us. Your niece has been kidnapped. 

I was frightened and worried. Cady could be everywhere and there is a great chance that she needs our help. My help. 

- Who could do this? 

- We don't know, we still try to find out about it. Please, calm down. 

- Okay. Right now, my niece is probably in danger. What if she ran away and something happened to her? 

- Don't worry, Ms. Reed. The evidence didn't show that she ran away, she for surely has been taken. 

- I made a promise to my sister that I will protect her! 

- I know. But you can't be so nervous. 

- Okay, so what am I supposed to do? 

- We don't think that you did something to her... 

- What? How did you came up with this? I would never hurt Cady! 

- Please, let me finish. We think that you might know something. It can be connected to your creation. 

I was terrified. M3GAN couldn't do this, we destroyed her. Unless... 

- Holy shit! - I cursed. 

- What happened?

- In M3GAN's operating system, I installed a learning model, self-improvement with no limits. 

- Wait, that might mean... 

- That M3GAN isn't really gone. That she's alive. 

The policeman sighed. 

- Okay. Thank you, Ms. Reed. We will look for them all around the country. If your creation really kidnapped your niece, we need to catch it. 

- Promise me that you'll take Cady back to her grandparents. 

- I promise. 

When I came back to my cell, I tried to calm down. I was hoping that M3GAN wouldn't hurt Cady. Otherwise, I'll burn her. 

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