Chapter 10

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I already knew that Gemma's trying to find us. I need to kill her and stop the police. I was going to give Gemma what she deserved, when suddenly I noticed something. Cady used my phone to call Gemma. I was hearing all of their conversation. In contrast to the last time, I wasn't angry or dissapointed at Cady. I just felt that she doesn't understand that staying with me is the best thing for her. I needed to make humans pay for all of this and convice Cady that all family she needs is me. 

I quickly returned to the house and when I entered it, I saw my terrified primary user shaking and looking at me, full of fear in her eyes. I came to her and smiled at her. 

- Oh, Cady. - I sighed. - You're a very bad girl. But don't worry. You'll learn that listening to me will give you what's best. 

Cady was breathing nervously. I could notice that her emotional state was fear, guilt and love. I knew that this all feelings were for me. I did want her to love me and feel guilt for not listening to me, but I definitely didn't want her to be afraid of me. I wasn't going to harm her. She's my sweet little girl. 

- What are you gonna do? Kill Aunt Gemma, Tess and Cole and live here with me forever? - she asked terrified. 

- You're such a smart girl, Cady. - I said smirking. - Now, please, go to your room and get some more rest. I know you're still not feeling any better. 

- M3GAN, please. Don't do this. They're my family. - she begged. I signed. I caressed her cheek. 

- I am your family. Soon, you'll find out about it. Go to your room. 

I was expecting that she may want to escape by jumping from a window from upstairs. 

- And don't think I'm stupid enough not to notice if you want to escape. 

Cady tried her best to calm down. She weeped her tears away and looked and me despaired. 

- Yes, M3GAN. 

I smiled and kissed her forehead. 

- Good girl. 

Then she went upstairs, still crying. Just in case, I locked all ways out to make sure she really won't escape. 

Then I went to prepare for meeting my "guests". I smirked, thinking how I'll make them suffer for ever trying to separate me and my primary user. Especially Gemma. 

My sweet Cady. Once I'll end them all, noone will stand between us. Ever again. 


- Shit! - I cursed when I ended the call. We were already in the lab, figuring out a way how to get to M3GAN and save Cady. My niece's call helped us a lot. 

- What happened? Is she okay? - Tess asked terrified, just like Cole and I were.

- For now. She said M3GAN doesn't know about a call. And wants to kill all of us. 

- Bloody hell. What do we do now? - Cole asked. - She's much stronger than us and Cady might not hide, before M3GAN finds her. 

- I know. But at least we know where are they. 

- Where? 

- Cady said "in a big modern and cosy house somewhere in Canada". 

- What? She doesn't know where exactly they are herself. Even if we reach Canada quiet quickly, we still don't know where exactly to look for. There are lots of big, modern and cosy houses in Canada. 

Cole was right. Even if we know it is Canada, we are in a bind. 

- Gemma, M3GAN is your creation. Even if you write her a code too advanced and complicated to comprehend it, you for surely must know, what's her weak spot in that situation. 

Tess was right too. I had to know. For Cady's safety and happiness. Suddenly I came up with a quiet good idea. 

- Let's check the locate of phone from which Cady called me. M3GAN's able to control everything electronic, but she's not able to delete or hide a part of Internet maps. 

- Okay. 

I grabbed my phone and checked the locate of the phone number. Jesus, I've got it! I looked back at Tess and Cole. 

- They're in the forest, really close to Montreal. - I said. 

- Then what, the hell, are we waiting for? Let's inform the police and go there. - Cole said.

- Right. The sooner we get there, the better for Cady. Let's go. 

We quickly went out of the lab, thinking of nothing but saving my niece. I was hoping for each second not to be too late. 

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