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| jisung's pov |

it's been a 3 days since i started working as a baby sitter for hana. it's been easy, and fun, and thrilling to say, i've gotten much closer to her than before, and rather than having timid talk, we just talked casually. and sometimes we'd go insane over the littlest of the things. such as, playing with her toys, and talking gibberish. she really likes it when i talk to her. even though she probably doesn't understand half of the things i rant to her, she still replies with other things that turn up into another short but entertaining conversation.

i've made her food and we play with her toys and watch at least one movie before going to take a walk. when i make my to work i've noticed a park not far from the house, giving me an idea that i should at least take her to have fun there instead of always having her inside the house. that's how we've spend the past 3 days.

and, for the last 3 days, i have not seen her big brother, minho.

i guess you can say i'm sorta relieved. at least i won't be bothered by his pheromones or his presence being in the house. that's a weight off my shoulders.

it's not like i want to see him or anything. i mean, i won't lie his scent is pretty calming and soothing. very different compared to the ones i'm usually smelling all over the streets. but, that's not what i'm here for. i need money. and i'm not gonna let my stupid omega instincts ruin that for me.


hana now greets me with a hug, and june has now look more comfortable having me there. i'm glad though, that she at least had some sort of hesitation to let a complete stranger in their homes. because i know i would have, if i cared about my daughter.

anyway though, today i'm feeling far more comfortable then i should be cooking some eggs for hana in the kitchen. i'm not even sure why i'm suddenly feeling so light but it feels nice. i will enjoy it while it lasts.

i look at hana who's dancing in the living room hearing some kids songs.

"hana, do you want to go the park later?" i called out.

hana turns around to look at me, and she has a wide smile on her face. "yes! let's go! yes! yes, yes, yes!"

i chuckle. "yes, we'll go. but later, okay? when the sun gets a little more down, hmm?"

hana smiles and nods her head fondly. "yes! okay! i'll wait patiently!" she said, and continued on dancing. i smile at her fondly and continue cooking the eggs and some pancakes for her. this seems to be my first time ever cooking something from another country than the usual things i eat in my day. but, hana likes these, so i hope she'll like mine too. what i mean is that i hope they taste good.

as i'm about to grab a plate to put the pancakes on, the front door turns and before i know it, hana is running to the door and yelling out "big brother is home!" and "big brother i missed you!" and i realize how my mood instantly falters back to my depths of seeing her brother.

ha...why am i disappointed all of a sudden now?

i sigh heavily and shake the thoughts off, knowing there isn't really nothing for me to do now, because after all, this is his home. his house. not mine. i'm just invading his space.

i grab the plate and ignore the way my heart squeezes from the thought and from the now stupefying scent trailing along the air, forcing it's way inside my nostrils.


i turn off the stove; flip the pancakes around and then start removing them from the pan, along with the scrambled egg. but then i feel his presence in the room and i turn around and our eyes efficiently meet. i suck in a deep breath and grab the plate to put it on the counter in front of me. "hana," i called out, shifting my gaze elsewhere. "your pancakes are done," i added.

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