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| jisung's pov |

"so, what have you been up to these days, jisungie? we hardly ever see you," seungmin asks me while he's chugging down a glass of beer. 

i look at him in confusion. "what do you mean? i'm always here." 

"you don't feel like you are," seungmin says, "in fact, it's more like you're in your head rather than enjoying this moment, right now." 

i stare at seungmin, i feel his words. flustered, i shake my head and take a sip of my cold water. "you're drunk," i said. 

seungmin snorts beside me. "i am not. i don't get drunk just by drinking beer." 

"then stop acting like you are," i mumble, but he doesn't hear me. 

"anyway, aren't you gonna tell me, what you're up to these days," seungmin pauses as he takes another sip from his drink. when he swallowed it down, he returns his gaze at me. "i can see that you're caught up by something. you look...busier, but yet better than the last time we spoke." 

i hope that's a compliment. 

"yeah," i breathed out, giving up that i better not lie to him. after all, seungmin is sorta...closer to how i am like. we're similar, but yet, it doesn't feel like it. "i have a job now," i informed. 

seungmin's brows raise. "oh really? what do you do?" 

"i baby sit a kid." 

seungmin winces, like what i just said was something wrong. "oof. i bet that's a load of work." 

i shrug my shoulders. "not really." 

"do you like it? i've always thought being a baby sitter is rather a pain in the neck." 

not if the baby has a handsome attractive older brother. 

i nod my head just to agree with him even though i don't really agree with him. "yeah, yeah...it is...a pain in the neck," i murmur. 

just then, hyunjin joins us by swinging his arm around seungmin's shoulder and bringing him closer to his face. "let's go karaoke!" he exclaims, excited and drunk. 

seungmin makes a irritated groan as he tries knocking hyunjin away from him. "get off me," seungmin says, pushing hyunjae away with all his might. 

hyunjin doesn't bother as he straps his hands tighter on seungmin's neck. "let's go karaoke! c'mon, c'mon, hurry, hurry, let's gooo." 

seungmin sighs and seems to have given up as he now lets hyunjin do whatever he wants with him. "i swear to god hyunjin if you don't move right this—" changbin suddenly grabs hyunjin and removes him from seungmin. 

seungmin lets out a breath of relief. "thank you," seungmin sympathized. 

"we're going karaoke, you guys coming?" changbin asks. 

seungmin goes on his feet and he nods his head. "yeah. i'll go along," when he says, changin and seungmin turn to look at me. "what about you, you joining us?" changbin questions, his tone is flat, like he knows something i don't. 

i open my mouth to answer, but then i pause and seem to be rethinking my decision. i was going to say no, but caught by surprise, i feel the urge to say 'yes,' and i do. everyone's eyes widen like it's a big surprise, and i stare at them blankly, unsure of what i just did. 

"wait, seriously? you're joining us?" seungmin is the first to break the silence. 

i look at him in surprise. "i...i think so..?" 

"yes!! jisungie is joining us! for the first time since a while now!!" hyunjin screeches, his loud voice startles us and changbin who was holding him shushes him by putting his hand over hyunjin's mouth. 

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