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| jisung's pov |

to my surprise, minho seems to be acting perfectly fine and normal. i don't know what i had expected, but i think i over exaggerated it too much. maybe i'd done a mistake. maybe there wasn't anything to worry about. i mean, if there wasn't anything to worry about, i would've easily and quickly rejected minho's offer...but i haven't. which makes me even more confuse with myself, why haven't i rejected his offer? 

minho is working on his school work on the dinning table while hana and i play with her toys in the living room. our voices are the only thing that echos in the silent house, i wonder if we're bothering or distracting minho from his work. though, i really think we're not. because if we were, he would've already gone back to his bedroom. 

i think about approaching him, and talking about what was to happen to us. but i don't. because i know i shouldn't, and because i know it won't get me anywhere because i still don't have my answer to whatever sort of suggested he has made. i still don't understand or know what he wants from me. i see we still have lots to talk about. but, not right now. 

 hana and i are playing with her character movie figures when minho out of nowhere sits beside me. his sudden presence causes me to flinch and to want to runaway, but my body is frozen in place and i don't think i can runaway. 

i hold in my breath and attempt my hardest not to glance at him. 

"hey, hana, you wanna go to the park?" minho says, his voice soft and warm and all fuzzy in my brain. 

hana jumps up excitedly and nods her head with "yes!" of thrill. minho smiles proudly, for whatever reason. 

"let's put your shoes on then," minho says, and hana immediately runs to the front of the door where her shoes were mostly likely at. i stand up when minho stands up as well. i follow behind him. 

"what're you doing? it's not park time yet. it's 12:40, it's supposed to be snack time," i tell minho, "the schedule specifically says snack time at—" my words are shut off when minho turns around to face me and i quickly halt my feet before i crash into him. 

a sneaky cocky smile spreads on his face. huh. 

"who cares about the schedule? you know she didn't actually put her heart and soul creating that schedule. you aren't gonna ruin anything by not following it, jisung," the way he says my name is unfamiliar, but i don't hate it. 

i hate the fact that i do like it. 

he says my name like he knows something i don't. like he knows he can mess up my mind. my feelings. 

"alright, fine. let's go to the park." 


there's something about kids being in love with the word "park," and the place park. i can't find any kid who doesn't like the word park, or the place. i can't help but wonder if i'm also a kid who likes the word and place park just as much as they do. 

i glance at minho, who looks far ahead of the place. i wonder if he likes the place and the word park just as much as kids do. i wonder what he'll say if i tell him this is probably one of my favorite places to go to. i wonder if he'll judge me, and if he does, then it'd be easy for me to reject him. 

"do you like the park?" i ask him, letting the words easily slip out my mouth than they do in my head. 

hana who's in the stroller is already repeating the word "yes" multiple of times before she finally stops when a gush of wind comes after us. minho lets out a chuckle of amusement, before he averts his attention to me. "just as much as hana does," minho answers. 

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