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The king has left me alone for three days now

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The king has left me alone for three days now.

I sit in the open archway, looking across and down at what all there is to see. This land was filled with a beauty that was cruel.

The ground held no life, the limited trees seemed to fight for survival. The sand in the distance stirred and swayed in the wind. The people below me looked worn.

This Kingdom held beauty- but at the same time- sorrow.

Like all places, I thought to myself, all places hold the good and bad together.

The male with skin like the night comes twice a day to bring me food. At first, I thought of poison. It wouldn't be outlandish to think that they had tainted my food in some way. But the second day caused me to give in.

I didn't care.

Poisoned or not- survival lasted only as long as my will did. Could a Goddess be poisoned? Could such thin drops bring something divine down? Did the holy path that ran through my veins protect me of such evils?

He finally came on the fourth day. I knew his curiosity would bring him back.

He sits and watches me before leaving.

On the fifth day he watches again. But this time he speaks.

"Tell me your name."

I ignore his request and continue to look out the archway. To see the world. To think of what it may be like to live life without a cage.

I hear his sigh of frustration.

"You are being moved."

With that last statement, he leaves.

True to his words, I am collected the next day and transported elsewhere.

I look around at my new surroundings. It is divided and separate from the main palace. The building is still connected to the structure.

Stepping inside, there are plants that hold the color green. There is a pool of water in the middle. The guard who is escorting me is distracted by the sight of the naked women who bathe in it.

A male steps forward, blocking the guards' view.

His appearance is startling. His head is shaven, his long cloak of dull brown wrapped around to cover his body. His garments are simple. Nothing about them stands out- but there is a subtle command in his gaze as he looks to the guard.

The guard wordlessly bows and turns away.

The male focuses his attention now to me.

"My Lady...welcome...I am Valerin, head of the wife's household."

I look around. It occurs to me then, where I have been moved.

The women who are bathing stop in their motion to look at me. I recognize two of them. I had met them before. Clio and Evadne.

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