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"That's my good boy." I whispered, placing Whiskey gently on my bed.

The vet said that the stick did not do any internal damage and my fur baby will be alright in a week or two if properly cared for. Seeing how Whiskey was attached to me, it was like he was scared to let me go.

Only if he can see that I understand how he feels and that he will be forever protected with me. I got under the covers, lying beside him. He snuggled himself into my side, yawning as he did so. My fingers threaded through the hair under his chin, scratching him there earning a purr from him.

"Where do I put them?" Marco asked, raising his arms to show two big bags. Is it weird that I forgot that he was right behind me?

"Drop them anywhere and get out." I scowled, not bothering to glance his way.

"You know he didn't mean that, right?" His tone was so polite, that I almost puked at how disgustingly honey-dripping it was.

"Marco? Shut up. I am not having a heart-to-heart with you over absolutely nothing." I gritted out the words harshly, an underlying warning in them.

"Calm down, woman! No one is having a heart to heart. I just wanted to tell you." He exclaimed defensively.

"And you did. Now get out." My voice was bitter when I snapped at him.

"Mannerless brat." He muttered and I threw the very next thing I could get my hand on.

I sit up when my phone hits him square on the face and he lets out a painful groan. Fuck!

"Dude, you alright?" I asked, getting out of the bed carefully, in an attempt to not disturb my sleeping kitten.

He didn't respond instead he kept his palm on his face, cradling his face where the phone hurt him.

"Am I interrupting some juicy talk?" Nicolo whistled, peeking his head from the doorway and staring at Marco's standing figure.

I walked towards Marco's figure before bending down and picking my phone up. I sighed when I noticed there was no crack.

"I think my nose is bleeding." Marco muttered, bending his head backwards.

"You have had worse. What's a nose bleed?" Nicolo said, trying to pull him out of the room.

"Vanessa, that actually hurt." Marco grumpily exclaimed, his body forcefully dragged out of the room.

"Oops? I guess." I muttered, trying to pretend that I feel guilty. In truth, I do not. It was an accident and accident happens.

'You are so toxic. I love it.' Psycho, who I had struggled to lock at the back of my head said, taking up space in my head.

'I am not letting you out.' I scoffed, trying to fight her overwhelming presence.

"What happened to his nose?" Nicolo said, successfully throwing Marco out of my room.

"I hit his face with my phone." I muttered, making myself comfortable on the carpeted floor.

"Is it bad to say that I did that once too? I was pissed off and he was just salting my wounds, so I threw at him the first thing my hand could grasp. It was my phone." Nicolo chuckled at the memory. He slid down the closed door, sitting there with his knees up to his chest.

"His face must be a magnet for phones." I honestly stated.

"So, where did you get that cat?" He changed the topic, throwing questions my way for the sake of his curiosity.

Lost In The Darkness {Edited}Where stories live. Discover now