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Vanessa's POV:

"Vanessa, what the hell are we doing?" Dante's voice was heavy with exhaustion as he sighed, running a hand through his disheveled hair. In that moment, he looked more than just tired—he looked defeated, as if the weight of the world rested upon his shoulders.

His words echoed in the silence of the room, hanging heavily between us like an unspoken question. And as I met his gaze, I saw a reflection of my own weariness staring back at me. In that moment, I realized that I understood Dante in a way that went beyond mere words.

I had been where he was, standing on the precipice of despair, feeling as though I had nowhere left to turn. I knew what it was like to be tired, alone, and ready to give up.

"We're trying to figure it out," I finally replied, my voice soft. Dante's words hung in the air, heavy with frustration and self-doubt.

"What exactly are we figuring out? Just how much of a mess I am? What the fuck am I even doing here?"

His questions cut through the silence like a knife, leaving me at a loss for words. I could see the turmoil etched into every line of his face, the weight of his own self-perceived failures bearing down on him like a crushing weight.

In that moment, I realized that Dante wasn't just struggling with his addiction—he was grappling with a deep-seated sense of shame and inadequacy that had plagued him for far too long. And as much as I wanted to offer him reassurance, I knew that there were no easy answers to be found.

The frustration boiled over within me, and I couldn't hold back my sharp retort. "Oh, cry me a river, would ya? Stop drowning in your misery when I'm putting forward my hand to pull you out."

My words cut through the tension in the room, tinged with a mixture of irritation and genuine annoyance. I was tired of Dante wallowing in self-pity, unwilling to see the lifeline that I was offering him, which itself is a big fucking surprise for me. 

"As if it's that simple, news flash, it is not," Dante snapped back, his voice laced with bitterness and frustration.

I met his glare with a steely gaze of my own, refusing to back down. "I never said it was a walk in the park, did I? So, would you stop whining for a fucking second and talk?"

His response was immediate, a torrent of pent-up emotions pouring forth. "What's left to talk about? Yes, I'm high. Bloody yes, I'm giving in to my addiction, and yes, I've let everyone down once again. Boo-fucking-hoo"

"You are fucking pathetic. I never took you for a quitter" I spat out the words like acid, unable to contain my frustration at his defeatist attitude.

"I never pegged you as a nutcase either, but unfortunately, we don't always get what we want. Deal with it," Dante's words struck a nerve, hitting home with their blunt honesty. Despite the truth in his words, his delivery felt unnecessarily harsh, like a punch to the gut. Sadly, I could careless about his opinion of me.

As the weight of his words settled in the air between us, Dante's expression shifted to one of regret. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it," he backtracked quickly, his eyes widening with realization.

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