Chapter One- "Need a hand?"

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    Hey everyone, considering Teen Wolf comes back on soon, I decided to start a Teen Wolf fanfic, let me know what you think!
Disclaimer- All rights belong to Jeff Davis, only Amelia, Anastasiya, and any other characters I make up belong to me. Thank you(: X. -K
^^^This is Amelia.
Chapter 1-
I woke up to the bright light shining through my curtains. "Ugh, no more." I rolled over and pressed my face into my pillow. I heard my brother laugh from the door and say my head up and glared at him. "Can I help you?" I asked him annoyed.

"We have school Ami, you got to get up sometime, I'm already dressed so hurry or I'm leaving with out you." Isaac whispered to me so I could only assume my dad was awake.

"Fine, get out so I can get ready." He laughed once more before closing the door behind him. Heading into the bathroom, I looked at my self in the mirror, seeing a black eye and a split lip. I lightly brushed my fingers to my eye, flinching at the sting. Stripping out of my clothes, I turned the water on, and hopped in the shower, being enveloped by the warmth. Once I got out I went back in my room and slid into my outfit I had picked out. A large black sweater grey skinny jeans and combat boots. I slightly curled my already curly hair and put on light makeup to cover my bruises. I looked at myself once more in the mirror and sighed quietly.

"Amelia! Come on!" I heard my brothers quiet protests from down stairs. So I grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs, grabbing a apple from the kitchen and following him out the door.

"Sorry Isaac." I mock pouted at him making him roll his eyes.

"Just get on Ami," he said as he got onto him bike and pulling me onto the handle bars, "you need to get your own bike, your getting to old for the handle bars don't you think?" He said with a small grin.

"What! You're older than me. If anyone needs a new bike its you, I'll take this one old man." I smirked back at him.

"I'm older by 4 minutes! If I'm old you're old," I smiled back at him as we pulled up to school, parking his bike with the others and chaining it to the post. "Come on, let's go to our lockers."

We walked through the school, invisible to everyone, until I spotted my best friend Anastasiya running full speed my way. "Oh god, oh go-- uffft." She collided with my knocking my breathe out of my lungs. "Hey Anya, you're sorta crushing me." I laughed as she squeezed me tighter.

"I'm sorry I just missed you so much! Two weeks without my best friend is too long!" She finally let go and hugged Isaac just as tightly, holding on for a few seconds longer. Her crush is totally showing. She grabbed my hand, "Gotta go to chemistry, bye Isaac."

Once we were far enough away, I pushed her arm, "You totally were so obvious with him!" I yelled at her, laughing.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

I made kissy faces and turned her around to look at me, "oh Isaac I missed you so much, I dream about you every night, I love you" she placed her hand over my mouth to shut me up and laughed.

"I don't love him and I don't dream about him so shush!" She let go of my mouth and walked into class. What we didn't notice us we were 3 minutes late and all the attention was on us.

"Miss Rolyk, maybe you should go back to Russia for the rest of the school year if you're going to make miss Lahey late again." Mr. Harris told us with a roll of his eyes. Why is this guy such a dick!

"Sorry Mr. Douchebag, we won't do it again." Anya replied making the class laugh, and I pulled her to her seat.

"Okay, anyway today we're going to be preparing for a lab were going to do next week by taking a pop quiz." After he said that I stopped paying attention until I heard "Mr. Stilinski, this is a pop quiz, if I hear your voice again I may be tempted to give you detention for your entire high school career."

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