Chapter 5- "I Need Your Help."

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      All characters and all plot lines belong to Jeff Davis and Teen Wolf, I only own Amelia Lahey and Anastasiya Rolyk, also any other characters I create along the way.

      Hey loves, here's chapter 5. I apologize for the wait, I'm gonna try and get back to weekly updates again. Please keep reading and be patient with me. Thank you all for reading and make sure to vote/comment. Xo, -K.
Chapter 5- Restraint

"Push harder!" Derek yelled at me as I did pull-ups, drops of sweat beading on my forehead. I've been trying to build my physical strength. I have the ability but I have no muscle and Derek says I can't win without muscle, so here I am... Doing pull ups on a rusty metal pipe.

I rolled my eyes and growled at my alpha, a deep rumble coming from the back of my throat, "I'm doing the best I can." I panted out as I struggled to pull myself up.

He walked over and grabbed my hips, not in the sweet and caring way, he had a tight grip, almost painful as he spotted me as I pulled back up, this made it so much easier. I fastened my pace in order to reach 100 quicker.

"Done." He muttered and I immediately dropped onto the floor,my feet planted firmly to the ground as if they missed the feel of it. Derek threw me a bottle of water and looked over at me, his head tilted down, "So you four were going to practice fighting?" He asked me as he gestured over to the bedrooms down the long hallway.

I nodded my head as I looked at him threw the plastic of the bottle I was draining, I pulled the bottle away, wiping my mouth on my sweaty arm, "Yeah, but it's fine. We can practice tomorrow. Now that we know it's Jackson we know what to expect." I breathed out as I tried to catch my breath.

I looked out the window and saw the moon almost full, the full moon was coming up and I have no clue what's going to happen, will I lose control? Will I hurt somebody?

Derek must have caught me staring because he broke me out of my trance with his words, "You're going to be fine, Amelia. You'll be in control." He assured me but he didn't seem to convinced himself, which made me more nervous.

"What about this Kanima thing? Do we know who's controlling it yet? Is it someone we know?" I asked and he raised an eyebrow at me. "Right you don't know." I muttered as I looked down at my clawed feet.

He walked up to me, "That's why we need Scott, we can't depend on him but we need his help." He told me and I nodded before looking up at him, his pale green eyes glimmering in the moon light. "Now go to bed, it's late." He scolded, nodding me in the direction of my room.

I stepped forward and wrapped my tiny arms around his large frame, feeling his muscles tense up at the sudden contact, "Goodnight Derek." I whispered against his black shirt before releasing him and giving a small smile.

I turned around and walked to my room, the smile never wavering. I need him to know that I'm thankful for all he's done for me.

When I got to my room I grabbed my phone from my charger and looked at the missed messages, 2 from Erica and 1 from... Guess who? Matt! Yay, not.

From Matt- "Hey, are we still hangin out Friday? I know a guy with two tickets to that club you told me about."

I sighed loudly as I wrote a quick reply, I guess I'll go to the club, what could go wrong?

To Matt- "yeah totally, see you in school x."

Might as well flirt, I'm gonna be stuck on a date with him all night Friday. I laid down on my bed and pulled the blankets around me, picturing two bright green eyes in my head before I fell asleep.

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