Chapter 8- "Don't Move."

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I do not own any plots or characters besides the ones I make up, all rights belong to Jeff Davis, Teen Wolf and MTV.

Hey everyone! Sorry for the slow updates recently, school just started back up and I've been been struggling with pre calculus, it's impossible! But I've been trying to write a little bit a day so here's chapter 8, I hope you like it. Also, if you didn't notice I changed the name of my story from "Amelia Lahey" to "'Beaten' (A Teen Wolf FanFiction)". I also made a new cover for this book and I like it so much better and I'm super excited to continue this story and see where it takes me. I only changed the name of the story because I recently decided as I'm coming close to the end of this book now that I'm going to continue my story into season 3a. I don't have a name or anything ready but when I do, I'll be sure to let you know. Xo, -K ❤️
Chapter 8-

I was trailing behind Erica and Boyd, kicking dirt with every step I took. I could feel the blood crusting on my forehead and raised my hand up, trying to pick it out of my blood hair.

All I sensed was anxiety radiating off of me, I know they sensed it too. I could smell the worry seeping out of both of their veins. I killed someone... An innocent boy, he had a life, a family. What if he had a twin brother? An Isaac? I took him out of a family and I'm doing nothing about it.

I could see the train station in the distance and I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders at the thought of seeing MY Isaac. I couldn't wait to feel to warmth of my big brothers arms around me. That's when it hit me and I completely stopped in my tracks.

He still thinks I'm dead.

Boys and Erica turned to face me and I ran my hand through my frizzy curls. "Isaac still thinks I'm dead." I whispered, looking up at the, with watery eyes before sprinting towards the train door and tearing it off its hinges. "Issac!" I yelled, searching the fighting room, "Isaac!" I screamed as I ran into his room, throwing the door open and looking into the trashed room.

The bed was on the floor and the tv, bedside table, bureau, everything was broken and scattered across the ground and there Isaac sat perched at his desk, blue eyes glistening with fresh tears as he shot up, tackling me with a tight hug before pulling back to inspect me.

"H-h-how? I saw you. You- you were dead! You died!" He yelled, tears streaming down his cheeks as he pulled me into his chest again. As soon as I hit his body warmth spread through me, my body woke up and my arms snaked around his waist. I latched tightly onto my brother and I wasn't letting go.

"I was, I did." I cried, shivering at the thought of lying dead in the alley by the rave the night before. I looked up at him, peeking through wet eyelashes, "I was brought back, Vlad found me and him and Anya brought me back. They're witches Zaac, I swear."

His eyebrows furrowed and his grip loosened, his arm grabbing a blanket off the bed and draping it around my shoulders. "You're freezing, you must be hallucinating."

I slapped his hand away, "So you're a werewolf who doesn't believe in witches?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow and he looked at the ground with a red cheeks. "I'm going to find Derek, he should know I'm alive." I started, turning on my bare feet to walk out of the bedroom. "He should also know it's considered betrayal to leave an injured pack mate behind." I growled.

I walked out the now torn off train door of the run down train house and ran out into the crisp fall air. I took in a deep whiff of air and smelt a mix of Derek, Scott and Stiles' scents coming from the police station and headed in that direction.

I ran as quickly as I could to the station trying to wave off the bad feeling that was weaving itself into the pit of my stomach. I could sense something was going to happen tonight, something bad.

Beaten // Derek Hale {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now