Chapter 7- "I Didn't Mean To."

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       I do not own any plots or characters besides the ones I make up, all rights belong to Jeff Davis, Teen Wolf and MTV.

Isaac's POV-

"Isaac, we have to go." I heard Stiles yell as I cradled my sister in my arms. It's been 3 minutes since the sound of her heart beat disappeared. It was my fault, I'm her brother, I was supposed to protect her. How could I let her get away?

I felt her limp body be lifted away from me and I looked up into the dark eyes of my Alpha. He placed her on the cold concrete floor and looked back at me, "Come on Isaac, I have to get Scott to Deaton." He threw Boyd the keys to his Camaro and walked over to Stiles' jeep."

With shaky legs, I finally managed to stand, my eyes never leaving the limp body of my sister on the ground. I felt a soft hand be placed on my shoulder and turned to look at a teary eyed Erica. She forced a smile and beckoned me towards Derek's car with her head.

When we passed Amelia's body, I bent down slightly, hovering over her. I left a soft kiss on her forehead like I used to every night before we went to sleep.

"I'm sorry I disappointed you." I whispered into her wavy blond hair. I took one last look at her pale face before I turned around and slid into the back seat of the sleek black car.

The entirety of the ride home was silent. The only sound being the soft breaths and heartbeats of the three betas. When we got home I went straight into my room. I sat on the edge of my bed and felt the tears start to come freely. As soon as I raised my head I regretted it, my eyes landed on the black picture frame that was holding a picture of me and Ami from our 5th birthday party.

The sight in front of me made me snap. I slid all the books and papers off my desk, everything landing on the floor with a thud. I grabbed the blue lamp off my bed side table and smashed it against the side of my desk. I flipped the desk over and ran over to my bed, grabbing the legs and breaking them off.

I heard my bed room door open but didn't stop as I ripped the posters from the walls, tearing the, to shreds as I dropped to the ground, my fellow betas looking down on me with shocked expressions at my torn up room.

I didn't care though. I lost my only living relative, it was like losing Cam and my mom all over again.

"Isaac." My head snapped around to the soft voice of Erica, who was staring at me with a scared look. She slowly inched towards me, before cautiously lowering to her knees in front of me. "Hey, you need to relax." She whispered and I tried to calm my breathing.

But I couldn't, my breathing was labored, heart beat racing. I was having a panic attack and I didn't know how to stop it. My breath hitched in my throat and my chest was caving in. I watched as my vision blackened and I fell backwards, my back landing hard against my now broken bed post. I felt my vision fading in and out as I continued to heave, trying to force out my breaths but nothing was working.

This void feeling in the pit of my stomach was overwhelming and I felt a final tear slip from my left eye as I slipped out of consciousness.

Amelia's POV-




I listened to the continuous beeping and realized where I was, a hospital. I slowly tried to open my eyes but was immediately blinded by the brightness. I let out an annoyed groan and rolled over, feeling a tugging in my abdomen.

"Hey relax, you have stitches." I recognized the velvety voice but I couldn't place it. It wasn't until I inhaled that I recognized the scent of my best friend.

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