𝕾𝖔 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝖎𝖙 𝖎𝖘

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I couldn't find anything about Gustavs family, so i made his sister up.
If anything said in German is wrong, you'll have to forgive me, cuz im still learning :)
Btw Happy 18th birthday to Durch den monsun! 💅

As we were exiting the mall, Gustav received a phone call. "Hallo? Maria?" His face darkened as the person on the other end started talking.

"Is everything alright?" Georg asked, but Gustav motioned for him to wait. We were all watching him.

"Machst du Witze? Wie konntest du das tun?"  Gustav said, trying to keep his calm, but I could see he was angry. We could hear screaming and crying on the other end. "Oh, du Schlampe! Dieses Mal werde ich dir nicht helfen," He yelled and hung up. Nobody said anything for a moment; we all just stared at each other. "Maria cheated on my sister and expects me to help her hide it," Gustav broke the awkward silence. Tom got closer to him and started asking some questions.

"Who is Maria?" I whispered to Georg, who was standing right next to me. "His best friend," he whispered back. "What? But I thought you were his best friends."

"We are, but he met Maria a few years ago when she started dating his sister, and they immediately clicked," Bill said from behind me. I turned my head to look at him, and we made eye contact. "Well, I guess they won't be as close after this," Tom chuckled and was now standing in Georg's spot. Georg was already climbing into the car with Gustav.

"Wait! Georg? Are we leaving already?" I rushed to the car and reached my hand to open the door, but someone gently grabbed my wrist and stopped me. "He and Gustav have some things to do. Don't worry, love; we are going to take you home," Bill said, letting go of my hand.

"Lolita, I'll be home tomorrow, so don't wait for me," Georg said and disappeared into his car. After a few seconds, the engine started, and they drove off.

I turned around to be met with four eyes watching me. The twins were leaning on their car, waiting for me. As I moved closer, Tom opened the back door for me, revealing grey leather seats and empty Red Bull cans scattered on the floor. Climbing in, I tripped and got my pants dirty. Fantastic.

While driving out of the parking lot, I asked about where Gustav and my brother were going.

 "They are going to visit Gustav's sister and tell her about what happened. She deserves to know," Bill explained, looking in the rearview mirror at me; he was the one driving. "But why is Georg planning on being home only tomorrow?" I asked.

"She lives a three-hour drive away from here, and it wouldn't be very smart to tell her something like that over the phone, now would it?" A warm smile appeared on his face as he was still glancing at me.

"But of course you're more than welcome to spend the night at our house if you don't want to be left alone," Tom turned his head to look at me, that smirk from earlier returning. I just rolled my eyes and looked out of the window. In the corner of my eye, I could see Bill glaring at his brother, who just chuckled.

On our way back, we stopped at a shop. Tom went inside, and after about five minutes, he came back out with two bottles in his hands. I could not see exactly what he was holding.

"If you don't want to stay with us, we're staying with you. We have to celebrate finally meeting you, Lolita, don't we?" He said, climbing in the car. Them saying my name just does something to me that I can't explain.

"Tom, what are you planning again?" Bill asked, annoyance could be heard in his voice.

"We can't just leave her alone; it's her first night here. What if something happens?" Right there, I saw him wink at Bill.

Not going to lie, getting drunk with the Kaulitz twins sounded fun, and Tom's right, I don't want to be left completely alone on my first night. So much for my plans to catch up with my brother.

"I mean, it depends on what Lolita decides." They now both turned their heads to look at me, waiting for my answer. How did this happen?

"Uh, yeah, sure, we can do that, I guess." Bill started the car, and we drove off.

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