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"Hey! How've you been?" She chirped.

"I'm alright, just got out of school, what's up?" I said, getting in my car. I had left Bee at home with my brother.

"I was just calling to see if you're still alive," she chuckled. "How are the hotties?"

"You have no idea how much I have to tell you. Are you still coming on Saturday?" I asked.

"That's the plan, yes. Now tell me, so I know, which one of them is still free?"

"Both of them are free, but I think me and Bill are becoming something..." I smiled to myself, remembering our last interactions.

"Oh, I so can't wait to see y'all, I'm so excited," the last phrase sounded more like a squeak. I started the engine and slowly pulled out of the parking lot.

"I can't wait to see you too, if Markus doesn't kill me by then," we both laughed. This was just what I needed today.

"Anyways, I saw your mom at the mall yesterday; she looks quite happy with her new boyfriend," she said.


"Sorry, you didn't know? Your mom is dating Alan Clellam," Kath explained.

"Oh," I was shocked. I knew she and dad weren't getting along, but a boyfriend? Why didn't she tell me anything? Does Georg know?

"I'm sorry you had to find out from me, but, honestly, they look cute together. She looked happy." She went on.

"Uhh, Kath, thank you for telling me, but can I call you back?" I interrupted, having noticed the red sedan following me since the parking lot. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but something feels off.

"Yeah, sure, I'll be waiting," she said, and I hung up.

I kept glancing in the mirror, hoping to have lost the weird car, but nope, it was still there. I kept turning right, driving in circles like I was taught by my parents, but after every turn, it was still there, right on my tail.

"What the heck?" I mumbled to myself.

I turned left and headed to my house, praying that Georg was home. I decided to call and ask, but he wasn't answering, so I just had to hope.

I glanced at my mirror one last time, and the car was gone. A heavy sigh of relief left my lungs.

I turned on my street, starting to calm down a bit, but then right in front of me, the red sedan drove around the corner and towards me.

As I was driving into my garage, it parked in front of my house and turned off the engine. I got out of the car and watched the garage door slowly close, as the red car stood still in front of the front yard.

Making sure to lock the garage door, so I won't have any unexpected visitors, I took my backpack, and made my way into the house.

"Georg?" I called out, hoping for an answer. Nothing. "Great," I sighed.

I walked over to the window to see the car, which was still there, watching me. I closed the curtains and turned on the light, laying down on the couch and turning on the TV.

As I watched the news, I felt a small tug on my shirt. It was Bee. She was pulling on it to get my attention. I picked her up and placed her in my lap.

"Hey, baby," I whispered, petting her tiny head. She snuggled against my hand, purring. I turned my attention back to the news reporter, who was talking about a recent burglary in my area. Well, that's fun.

I turned the TV off, placed the now sleeping Bee on the couch, and walked to my room to do my homework.

When I opened the door to my room, I noticed a small parcel in black wrapping paper waiting for me on my bed. Next to it was a little note from Georg that read:

"This was left for you at the door this morning,"

I unwrapped the paper and opened the box. "Oh, what the fuck," I mumbled in disbelief, taking out a pair of red laced underwear. There was nothing else in the box, just that.

I placed it on the bed and went to check the window again, but this time, the car was gone.

I sat down to do my homework in art history when, after a few minutes, I suddenly got a call from Tom.

"Yes, Tom?"

"Hi, princess," a flirty tone in his voice.

"Put her on speakerphone," I heard Bill's muffled voice in the background.

"Can't you see I'm driving? You'll be fine," Tom said. "Anyways..."

"Give me the damn phone,"

I could hear them struggle. Bill now had the phone, but he didn't put it on speakerphone, so he and Tom argued about that.

"Bill, just put it on speaker, it's not that hard," Tom complained.

"Your're driving, you need to focus," Bill retorted.

"Come on, I will tell her about your singing in the shower, Bill," he teased.

"Guys, can we get to the point?" I interjected. Finally, after a bit more bickering, the call was put on speakerphone.

"There, happy now?" Bill grumbled.

"Ecstatic. So, princess, how's your day going?" Tom asked.

"Fine until now. What's up?"

"Well, Bill and I were thinking," Tom began.

"Shocking, I know," Bill added with a chuckle.

"We were thinking of hitting the mall. Shopping spree and dinner, what do you say?" Tom suggested.

"That sounds fun," I replied, smiling at the thought.

"Great! We'll pick you up in, like, 30 minutes," Bill said.

"And dress cute! We want to show off our amazing taste," Tom added.

"I'll see what I can do. See you in 30," I said before hanging up.

As I returned to my homework, I smiled at the thought of them finally getting along again. Well, mostly getting along. After about ten minutes, my notes were safely tucked away in my bag. I opened my closet to see what I could exchange my school clothes for.

I rummaged around but couldn't find the outfit I had in mind. It was impossible that those clothes were at home because I knew I packed everything. I decided to take a look under the bed, where there were some boxes I was too lazy to unpack, that I had pushed under the bed and forgotten about.

I opened one of them, and there they were, my beauties. All my baggy pants.

I threw on a pair of jeans from the box, securing them with my favorite belt, and put on a hot-pink tube top. I walked into the bathroom to straighten my hair and touch up my make-up, then I was ready. I grabbed my purse, and before leaving, I left some food for Bee.

Just as I walked out of the house and locked the door, Tom and Bill pulled up.

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