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"The fuck?" I mumbled, not quite awake yet. The beeping of my alarm was hurting my ears way more than usual. More than anything, I wanted to turn that shit off and stop my misery, but I was so comfortable sleeping in... someone's arms? Ugh, whatever.

After a long minute of unbearable pain, I finally reached out my hand and snoozed the alarm. I couldn't make out the other person in the dark, but I wasn't in the mood to find out. Not thinking much of it, I quickly dozed off again.

"Sweetheart," he hummed. "Mh?" I slightly opened my eyes, the room still pitch black. "You've snoozed your alarm four times already. I know you are a bit hungover, but you have to get ready for school, baby," he remarked in a soft, sleepy voice, caressing my back.

"Bill?" I raised my head, staring at the dark figure I've been cuddling with and using as a pillow the whole night. "Yes, love?" he asked, his tone honeyed. "How did we end up like this?" I asked, quickly checking if I had any clothes on. My top had slid really low, almost revealing my tits, and my shoes were missing, but other than that, everything was in place.

"You drank a little too much and got really sleepy, so I brought you here. You asked me to stay after calling me a princess," he explained, seeming quite entertained. "And the shirt?" I glanced down at his bare chest, which I could barely make out in the dark. His skin seemed pale and was covered with a few tattoos, one of them—the well-known star tattoo.

"Yeah, uhm, you made me take it off because apparently, it was 'too rough,'" he said. A few memories came back to me. I started giggling. "I can't believe I called you a princess," I was embarrassed, but it still seemed really funny to have said that.

He reached for my nightlamp and switched it on, illuminating the room. I just stared at him, admiring his beauty. His mohawk was a little disheveled, his makeup a bit smudged, and he looked really tired, like he had only had a few hours of sleep.

"I know, you really caught me off guard with that," he chuckled. He was smiling, but it seemed like something was bothering him. "Bill, is everything alright?" I asked, quite worried.

"Yeah, no, I'm fine." He gave me a weak smile before getting out of bed and picking up his shirt from the floor. Did I say something else yesterday? What the fuck did I tell him? "Bill," I whispered. I wanted to know, but it didn't seem like he wanted to talk about it.

I watched him put his shirt on. How hotter can this man get? "Yes?" He asked, sitting down on my bed and reaching for his boots.

"Ugh, Are you in a rush, or can you do my makeup?" He glanced at me, and I playfully grinned back. "Sure, just get dressed, and I'll be right back," He smiled and left my room.

I walked into the bathroom to take a quick shower since I didn't get the chance yesterday. While waiting for the water to warm up, I kept wondering about what I could have possibly said yesterday to upset Bill so much.

I stepped into the shower, the sensation of the hot water on my body diminished my headache and immediately helped me feel a lot better.

After showering, I walked to my closet and scanned the shelves, looking for a decent outfit. I decided that I could just wear the clothes I thrifted yesterday. I took my shopping bag and tried on the mini-skirt and the pink Hello Kitty shirt. It looked as amazing as it did yesterday; it just lacked some accessories. I rummaged around the closet until I found what I was looking for—the pink leopard-print leg warmers I had bought last year but never worn before because I wasn't sure how to style them.

I added the leg warmers to my outfit, and they fit the vibe perfectly. I decided to add a few necklaces to make the look a little less plain. I looked in the mirror at the result and was quite satisfied. I threw my jacket on the bed because it was warm, and I didn't want to get all sweaty right after the shower. All I needed to do now was to get my hair and makeup done.

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