Chapter-1-A Normal Day

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It was just a normal day before it happened.

A normal day filled with all my favorite hobbies,


Annoying People,

Making everything worse.

Just a normal day for Hector Damon, local dumbass, creator of Unnamed Level, and awarded most apathetic person in Craftworld.

And I aint no Clive Handforth, or Mrs. Sunshine.

Whoever that is.

I aint got interior motives, I'm not bottling up my emotions, I'm just retarded.

Plain and simple.

That's what I'd like to think at least.

The day started, the same way every other day starts. In a chair, in a Blank background, infront of a spinning wheel with several spikes on it's edges.

My greatest achievement, that one.

Right next to when I made a Sackbot spas out with an animationer.

After that start of a day, I left my level, walked down the street, and got a beer at the bottle shop above the subway station.

I walked out, after stealing the beer, and looked out at the street filled with overwhelming amounts of white and blue.

Little did I know just how weird my existence was going to get.

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