Chapter-2-Not a Normal Day

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It was just a normal day for Hector Damon, but oh, how this was about to change.

As Hector walks out onto the sidewalk, he looks to each side carefully before still stepping into oncoming traffic.

He walks with little care to those around him and expects a car horn telling him to get off the road pretty soon.

Actually, right about now.

But this time.


Hector, dosen't realize this and continues on as normal before heading into an alley that leads out of Avalonia.

While walking he looks up at the buildings adjacent to him, but dosen't see the grime of battery acid and thermal paste, but instead, a perfectly pristine wall covered in posters invoking a message of some kind.

Though he does not actually notice anything wrong with the wall.

As he comes to a clear spot, he looks out upon the towering offices of the Progress Emporium and finally, notices something is afoot.

A large, grotty, abandoned building that blocked the view beforehand, was suddenly gone.

It had only been a day since he was here, and it was unrecognizable from now.

Hector notices the warmth of the sun, and guides his look up from the street to the new view.

Puzzled, he considers every possibility.

What if it had been demolished?

No, that would take too much time.

Or, What if...

A random Funkhole appeared in broad daylight, and sucked away the entire building including its foundations, with such precision as to not break anything else at all in the surrounding Municipality*, while disappearing directly aftward.

*(Means a town or city with its own government).

Yes! Hector thought to himself, that was what had happened!

So he continued on his way, having figured out this mysterious disappearance.

Still, he felt something was off.

Looking around he noticed a significant lack of grey smoke that usually rose from the Stilts of the Emporium below.

Some things were oddly moved, and by things, I mean entire appliances like bike racks, bus stops, stop signs..

And also homeless people.

Although Damon also didn't see where these people had moved to. Perfectly explainable, they had just moved to another street.

So Damon resumed his walking and got on his way to his favourite place in Loom.

The fight club.

Oh yeah!
This place was, in Hector's twisted opinion, the best venue to waste your day away watching a man the size of a 4x4 get decimated by a small Canyonian skeleton screaming Feliz Navidad at the top of his lungs.

Nothing, (he could think of), could be better.

So now off he goes into the heart of the Metropolis to get into violent bar fights with random people.

He lifts off into the sky using his wings, and flys through the many skyways, dodging planes, bees, and hover cars as he sees the familiar sight of the Metropolis.

In the air, he gazes around at the many tightly packed buildings and again sees that the city is looking a lot cleaner than usual.

So clean, in fact, that you could actually mistake this for a fairly nice neighbourhood.

Dimension of Perfection (And It's Flaws)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang