Chapter-4-Confusion Incarnate

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A A A A A A A A A A A A H H H H H H H H H H H H!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I scream, aware that I am probably dead.

All around me, shades of black and purple zip past as I enter the afterlife. Or at least, I think.

I feel myself fall as my sight turns to complete pitch black.

"Is this the end?" I call out into nothingness.

There is no response.


"Shut up dumbass."
Calls out the void.

Wait, that doesn't quite sound right.

Voids don't talk, they void...

I pull my head away from a black, dusty cushion and in resolution look around.

All I can see are a bunch of tattered posters of various animals, pictures of beaches, and pop icons looking just a tad strange.

I also see a small cubic room. Food, dirt, and dust are thrown everywhere and a few small cloths lie around of varying degrees of cleanliness.

This must be what hell looks like.

But I don't see the devil on the other-side of the room. All I see is the girl from before, staring quite brazenly at me, while crossing her arms and kicking up her feet on a table with no 4th leg.

"Done screaming?"
The person says.

"Uuuuhh, I think so."

"Good, get ou-.."
She stops before she can finish. Sitting there, she starts biting at her nail, and looking down at the floor.

She thinks for a minute and makes her decision.

"Well, UUUUHHHhhhhh... Fine. I suppose you can stay the night. Those bots will be on high alert for the whole day and it's probably best we stay put."

"Well that's cool and all, buuuttt, WHAT THAT FUCK WAS THAT!!?" I scream, still very confused at what just happened.

She covers her ears as she rolls over in her sit.

"JEEZ! SHUT UP!! At this point they'll hear you from all the way up there!!"

She kicks me at the end of the last sentence, and I kick back.

"Calm down! Good lord..." She says, relaxing in her spot, putting her arms up and smirking.

"They really got to ya didn't they. Usually, the people I see, don't react that aggressively."

She stops talking and leaves the conversation there.

After an abnormally long time of no joking, I'm beginning to feel restless.

I'm still in a state of shock and fear, I have absolutely no idea what is happening. Just this morning everything had been fine, I walked out of my level, flew up from below Avalonia, and got a drink from the liquor store.

By got, I mean stole. But, why did I get a strange feeling, why did that building disappear? Where are all my friendemies? And why was there an entire city's worth of seemingly killer robots screaming toward me, with nothing but death in their eyes?

And if it's because I hit that woman, then why didn't they come sooner?

Well fuck if I know.

"Okay, soooooooo, would you mind telling me what the hell is happening?" I question.

"Oh come on. I swear that you get even dumber every time you talk.. Has anyone ever filled you in on the last 11 years?"

"Noe" I reply with a face of total mind entanglement.

"Really? Actually, that wouldn't be surprising, considering your own parents likely never showed up to your own life."

I duck back and because of the insult, quickly fight back with the few words I know.

"Hey! That's going too far!"

The girl agrees, and apologises.

"Look, I don't know what you are but, maybe you could tell me something, I'm sure anything would help me get off this rock. Like, who are you?"
Asks the woman.

Oh come on! At this point I'm just frustrated.

Never in my sad little life did I think I would end up in a situation like this. And now she's asking me for information?!

I look to the side. "Oh, you want ME to tell you about myself!? How about you AT LEAST tell me your name!?"

Her face is straight, with an eyebrow barely visible above her visor, probably surprised at the statement.

"Uhh, ookay, I've.."
She pauses looks down at her thumbs, twiddling them like she'd rather not answer.

"Never been asked my name before." She says sheepishly.

"What?! How?! Don't you have a social life?! Because if you're a loner too, I'm in trouble!, Hehehe."

I look back up to see what I can only describe as a mixture of:
What the fuck did he just say to me!?,
What the fuck did he just say to me?.

She brigthens up, seemingly cracked the code.

"Oooh, ha, I see.. You're a desirable aren't you? Not used to this life, huh?"

I try to speak up but she raises a finger to interrupt me.

"Ah, bu bu bu, I understand, I see a lot of people who just so happen to slip up and find themselves down here. It's happened to many a Creator or Sackperson, its normal."

I signal a 'what?' kind of face and she seems to understand, that...
I've no clue what she's talking about.

She still hasn't even told me her name, so I ask her.
"What. is. your. name." I question in a stern tone.

"4663. My name is 4663."

That's very odd.

I've never seen someone with a number for their name.

"Wait what? Okay, heh. You're playing a joke on me aren't ya, I mean, who has a number as their name?! Ha! Hilarious."

The Woman, wait.. sorry.
4663, looking a bit cross, gets up and trudges over to the corner of the room. She shuffles through some books and other junk before retrieving a thick book titled:
'Wonders of Eden'
and now sits back down, flicking through the pages to get to her bookmark.

Looking at the book, it looks like it's to do with animals, given the giant picture of a white hummingbird on the front.
The book is decorated with some illustrated golden patterns, with smaller pieces of information and other pictures encircled by the golden leaf patterns on the backside of the book.

She just starts reading.

As if I'm not even there.

I'm feeling as if I still haven't got through to her that I'm just completely lost, like not a clue what's happening at all.
And I already tried to ask, but maybe asking again is my solution.

"Suppose I didn't have parents to give me goddamn history lessons at age 3.. Could you explain it?"

She very quickly slams the book tight, and stares at me with a face that could emit poison, before finally explaining why every criminal in existence is now on Death row.

"Fine! You really want to know, I'll tell you!! It might just shut you up for 5 minutes."

"Remember the whole Negativitron situation?"

I nod to confirm I have in fact heard of the big fella, and everything that happened.

"Well, the famed 'alliance' who defeated him is part of this mess of a planet."

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