Chapter-8-Society of Ants

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I find safety behind a metal construction girder, with my adrenaline starting again and listen to the sounds of the Robot racing toward my position.

I hear it's treads stopping at the bench, and then another sound that sounds like a plunger being removed off a toilet.

I edge my head around the beam I'm standing behind, and gaze at the device. It seems to be standing in place, and a tentacle stretches out of its eye region, waving subtly around in front of the cop, probably inspecting the area I was just sitting.

The tentacle raises up rapidly, and seems to extend further, and as a reaction, the old man from before, standing just out of view, jumps in fright.

"P-please! Don't hurt me!! It's hiding over there!!" The man pleads, supposedly pointing over to my hiding spot.

That b*tch! He gave away my position!

Upon, hearing this knowledge, the robot's eye snaps back into it's socket, and turns around to face me.

A couple seconds after locking to my position, it's singular eye dilates, and starts staring at me with aggression.

Just as this happens, 3 of the lights on the lower half of it's body blink on, and a quaint little 'beep' emits from the robot.

I tuck my head back in terror, but it's far too late. An Electronic Clanking interupts any thought I have of escape.
And then the rising tone begins again.

I bolt to the area behind me, and as I discover that the side door placed there isn't opening, I run the opposite way and down the street.

The first railgun shot BARELY misses me, so much so, that I can feel the heat radiating from the blast.

Let's face it, I'm not gonna get lucky like that again, and if I keep running down this street, eventually I'll be vaporized by this beast, so I need another solution.

I look at all of my surroundings and try to formulate a plan of desperate action.

I scamper over the park fence to the right side of me, and roll through the grass as another blast fries the foliage behind me.

I run down the stone path while my bare feet sting from various forces.
I come up on an enormous metal statue and fountain in the centre of the parkland, and duck around the opposite side to hide.

For a few moments, the robot still rolls closer and attempts to follow me around the circumference of the water fixture.

I see a glimpse of its little cap, and back away further around the circle.

This goes on for a while; me slowly but surely avoiding sight as the robot keeps trying to follow me.

My legs are killing me, and it doesn't help that I'm crouching in an uncomfortable position.

I almost make a full orbit, but my strained breathing from running for the second time in months makes the robot speed up and catch me.

It startles me, and I tumble to the ground as I scream like a little girl.

I shield myself with my hand, and brace for an impact that would be my undoing.

But just as the robot attempts to grab me with two cybernetic arms, a violent repeating sound blasts the robot into the fountain.

I open my eyes again, and see that the robots eyes are fading slowly out, and that it's wrecked corpse is covered in green paint. The robot is slumped against the fountain wall too, with the stone cracked in the place the robot fell.

Through the smoke, I listen as a figure walks to my location, and extends a single hand forward.

The hand itself is that of a Templeton: light blue with worn jewelry around the wrist.
I grab onto the hand and get pulled upward and back on my feet, as the smoke clears and I finally see this guy's face.

Dimension of Perfection (And It's Flaws)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin