Chapter 34

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Florence walked down the stairs and nearly knocked me back with how beautiful she looked. The black dress gorgeous as it clung to her, with the most unique separate top with a design.

When I told her about the drivers club event, I knew I would see her more dressed up than ever. Personally I was a fan of fashion away from my career, many mistakes as well no doubt, but she put me to shame. Her taste was different, timeless, and would catch anyone's eye in the best possible way.

"What do you think," she asked as she walked up to me. I was taking her in, honestly at a loss for words so I pulled her in instead placing a kiss on her lips.

The last few months have been a constant internal battle, and everything in this moment felt right making the stress slip away.

"Est-ce que tu es toujours aussi belle [Do you always look this beautiful]?"

Florence blushed, completing a spin to show off the whole dress as she stepped away from me. "I might prefer tennis skirts, but this can do for an evening."

"I do like both, but this is a nice surprise," I said not being able wipe the grin off my face.

"You look quite handsome as well, but I do like the red," Florence replied looking me up and down as well. "The hair is different," she said reaching her hand up. Her hand lightly pushed against my gelled back hair before it fell back to her side.

"Do you like it?"

"Mmm, it does look good. Ce sera peut-être plus difficile de passer mes mains dessus plus tard [Might be harder to run my hands through it later]." She had a dangerous smirk on her face while my mouth fell open.

"Florence Bonsee."

She giggled while trying to get her words out. "You can't blame me. You look quite inviting in a suit."

"What time did I say we needed to leave?"

"Now," her answering disappointing. I moaned shifting in my clothes. "I'll find you right here later," Florence's eyes still lighting into mine.

"Okay okay, let's go before we're late," I sighed intertwining our hands and pulling her out of the house quickly not sure if I could trust myself. The cool air was welcome as we left reminding us we had somewhere to be. "Would you call me crazy if I said we could walk? How will your feet handle the heels?"

"I like the idea, how long does it take to get there," Florence offered.

I told her ten minutes, Florence gave me an approving nod. We took to the streets of Monaco. I always enjoyed that Florence was down for little adventures even if it meant walking across town in formal clothes. We walked in silence, hand in hand for a moment, before Florence spoke up.

"Don't tell my coach, but I wish I didn't have to leave Monaco in a week," she shared.

I was kinda shocked to hear her comment, knowing the Australian Open was coming up. She had been training more over the last few weeks and it was fascinating to see her work ethic up close and personal living in the same place now.

"He's gonna make you move back to Italy with that comment," I responded.

"I know, secretly I really like it here," her voice cheeky as she squeezed my hand.

"What's the real reason you don't want to go," I asked.

"I don't know," she sighed. "The last few months have been such a high coming off the US Open. Then a whirlwind of moving and the holidays. I'm finally feeling settled and I'm honestly nervous to get back on the main stage. I just wanna stay in the safety of Monaco."

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