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"Pierre you gotta help me," I said desperately as I packed the bag in the kitchen. Pull-ups, snacks, a plastic dinosaur, and waters. Christ I needed Florence here. Pierre was not nearly as helpful.

Pierre ran in looking just as exasperated. "Mate. Your kid is fucking Houdini. It's a lost cause."

I scrunched my face at his cuss word, knowing there were little ears around. I watched as Michelle covered her ears at the kitchen table.

"That's a bad word Uncle Pierre," she yelled out. Michelle then pouted and looked at him. "You're not talking about me are you?"

Pierre laughed and walked up to Michelle kissing the top of her head. "Never princess, you're too perfect."

Of course my daughter could do no wrong. Even when she did act up, which was rare, she could sucker any of us in. She was six years old now and already knew she had me and all of her uncles in the palm of her hands.

"Mind Pierre's words darling, he's talking about your brother." I zipped up the book bag and took a deep breath. "Sebastian," I yelled out. There was no response but little giggles came from the next room. "Sebastian Hervé Leclerc, I have fruit gummies!"

The sound of little feet came towards us, my three year old barreling in. I smiled at the little menace, quickly grabbing him and putting him on a chair. "Here you go," I sighed opening and handing him the snack which he simply grabbed. "chaussures rapides [shoes, quick]," I barked at Pierre. We only had a few seconds to act.

Pierre ran next to the door and grabbed the shoes holding them behind his back. Sebastian had formed a new behavior of hating putting on shoes because he knew it meant he had to leave his toys behind. I reached behind me grabbing the shoes and did my best to slide them on Sebastian's feet as quickly as possible.

"Quit it dad," Sebastian said with a full mouth and squirmed about. One shoe flew off and I had no other shot of getting the other one on.

"Okay no shoes it is," I huffed already giving up. The element of surprise was lost and Sebastian was a master of escape. I bent down grabbing the shoes and throwing them into the bag as well. "Bike time," I quickly transitioned putting the back back around my shoulder and grabbing my son.

"Where are we going?" I could hear his chewing in my ear.

I opened the door and left it open for Pierre and Michelle. Pierre would lock up while I got Sebastian situated.

"Une adventure," I smiled placing Sebastian on the kids seats attached to the bike. "It's gonna be fun." He clapped while I strapped him in and then put his helmet on.

"Let's go racing dad," he yelled. I kissed my son on the cheek taking in his happy face. He would be in a go kart in no time with his personality.

"Pierre you have Sebastian," I said rolling the bike over to him.


I hushed him. "I'll take my little bug," I smiled down at Michelle who lit up as soon as I finished talking.

"I get to ride with you dad?" Her voice was excited.

"Always." The calmness beginning now that Sebastian was strapped in and couldn't escape, plus getting to go on a bike ride with my daughter. I picked her up and put her on the little seat built in front of mine.

"You gonna hold on tight?"

Michelle nodded her head as I put on her helmet. She grabbed on to the handle bars already. I got on the bike making sure she was all settled in front of me then reached around her to the handle bars.

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