Chapter 37

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***slow start to the chapter but hold on tight!


Today was one of those days that when it rained it poured.

Leading up to Florence's match, Carlos and I received a call from Ferrari that we needed to be in Italy in two days. Something about unexpected press meetings and simulation testing for the upcoming car. Even with our objections due to being in Australia, like we had all planned, they were relentless on our schedule. I figured I'd tell Florence after the match not wanting her to have any distractions. The idea of missing a slam final made me sick to my stomach, but we knew that was the risk with our schedules.

As for the match, Florence won in 3 sets but a heavy price to get to the quarterfinals. She spent 3 plus hours on the court and rolled her ankle in the second set and never seemed to get her full game back. Watching her lose the second set due to an injury, fighting through third set virtually on one foot, left me cringing for her. I knew Florence was tough in every way. She constantly showed mental toughness but what I saw today was unmatched. The constant turning, running, and jumping on a hurt foot proved she was the toughest person I knew.

Especially when I finally saw her ankle back at the hotel room. The bottom of her foot was already bruised with discoloration creeping up to her leg. The actual ankle was two sizes too big. She was put up in bed, her foot elevated on the pillow, and ice constantly going on and off. All evening discussion was surrounded by one question, does she withdrawal from the tournament.

I sat on the couch quietly listening to her, Daniel, and Gregor talk in circles, only offering snippets of info when they asked me a question directly. Florence finally convinced everyone that she could at least try to play in the next match. To her point, she did complete the match today and could walk pretty steadily. She wanted to give the match a try and promised to listen to her body.

Eventually everyone left for the night leaving us alone. We shared dinner in bed with a movie, we finally showered, and were ready for bed. Even though she objected, Florence let me help her after Daniel left. I was constantly shifting her ankle on the pillow for elevation and rotating the ice.

Once we were finally under the covers, I figured it was the best time to share the news with her. There wasn't a good time but this would have to do.

"So I have some bad news," I said once she rested her head on my chest.

"Worse than my ankle," she asked keeping her eyes on the tv.

"I'll let you decide," I said playing with her damp hair.

"Lay it on me," she sighed, I could feel her take a deep breath.

"Ferrari kinda fucked everything up," I started with. This got her attention so she lifted her head up looking at me. "Carlos and I have to to fly to Italy tomorrow." I cut to it not wanting to leave any questions. She let out another sigh, the only disappointment was in her eyes.

"That is bad news," her response flat while she gave a little frown.

"I know, we tried to get out of it. They knew about this trip but Fred stated it's too important to miss."

Florence leaned up kissing my cheek before settling back on my chest. "While that absolutely sucks, I understand. Duty calls. Who knows, you're probably not gonna miss much."

I ruffled her hair some more and offered a smile. "Don't count yourself out just yet and thank you for understanding. I'm quite bummed myself."

She nuzzled closer into me, the warmth of our bodies was comforting for me too. "So that means I'll see you in Monaco whenever I get back?"

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