+ T H E H A L L +

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This person.. Noobi. They're very empathetic, and they're nice- this is strange. I've never actually met somebody who is like this. Maybe they like my style.. I still don't know, it's only been a day or two.

Maybe I should ask more about him.

As for the two girls who I've seen today, Lavender and Acorn. I don't know who Lavender is, but all I know is that she was with Noobi. Noobi doesn't seem to like her, which is a good thing. Not like that.

Acorn is dark, but she is sometimes nice. She spoke to Lavender a lot while I stayed with her. She likes playing the piano, she is 17 years old, she has a brother named Bacon, which is a strange name, but I'm not going to judge, and she loves painting, but I always feel like there is something else that she hides. Whenever she paints a picture, she barely uses any other colour. Sometimes, I DO see her use bright colours such as yellow, green, baby blue, but a majority of her paintings have a strong reek. I don't know what it is. Something else that I noticed is that her drawings are always painted with the colour red.

It's most certainly not paint. It's something else.


Guest and Noobi couldn't actually go to the library, because on the way there, there was an announcement. Everyone had to go to the assembly hall, so the Head Mistress could make an announcement. Of course, Noobi and Guest had to sit at the front. Acorn and Lavender sat next to them. Everyone was currently talking about their own thing.

Lavender turned to Acorn, 'Do you think they saw..?'

'No, that's impossible. We do this all the time, to escort people to safety.'

'Are you sure its safety if we tackle them and make them pass out?'

'Lavender please,' Acorn whispered, 'If someone were to figure out that it was us, then we could easily lie our way out of it. We never normally take unconscious people into our dorms we normally leave them out. Nobody will figure out that it is us.'

Lavender looked down at the ground nervously before whispering, '..Okay..'

Soon, everyone quieted down. The Headmistress smiled as she looked around the hall.

'Not many of you know, but yesterday night, something happened. The librarian heard somebody screaming. It sounded as if somebody had fallen down the stairs. I guess they were right.' The Headmistress turned to look at Guest, who had a look of embarrassment. It felt like all eyes were on him. He knew he was being judged by many others around him.

'Every night, we have the cameras on.. or so we thought. Because right when we went to check the real footage of what happened, it seemed as if all the cameras had been tampered with. They were all powered off, so we couldn't actually see what happened.'

Lavender and Acorn smirked at each other as if what they were doing was right. It really wasn't.

'So.. I need answers! When it is Lights Out, It is Lights Out! Nobody can leave their dorm room, they must all be locked until breakfast time or when your first lesson is about to start! So, whoever was out of their dorm yesterday, you know who you are. Please admit to it, or else we would have to take it the hard way, bring in suspects or any witnesses, and you will be expelled.'

The whole hall started to whisper and worry. Noobi and Guest looked at each other and whispered, 'Do you think they will know it was us, even if it was an accident?'

'(I don't think so. They seem to be talking as if there was only one person there. They are acting like I was the person who attacked, but no. I fell down the stairs.)' Guest signed. At First, Noobi didn't know what he was saying, until he remembered when Guest was explaining that he and the other Guests like to keep themselves hidden from the other players. So in this case, Guest couldn't talk, because he was worried that somebody would hear him talking.

The Headmistress quieted everyone down once again and said, 'Of course, we know that Guests cannot talk, but in this serious case, we will have to question them too.'

Now that was interesting. Everyone was excited to hear the Guests finally talk for once. It was good fr them, but bad for the Guests. They weren't allowed to talk. Noobi turned to look at Guest, who had a serious look on his face.

'What will you do, Guest?' Noobi asked. Guest smiled and signed, '(We aren't allowed to talk, and they know that. This is probably bait so they can punish us without warning. So every Guest knows that if they try to make us talk, we write, not speak.)'

Noobi thought that that idea was smart. But the fact that they had to answer many questions on paper made his hand hurt. But seriously, they write so much. Do they not hurt??

'Finally! After years of silence, we can finally hear the Guests voices!' Somebody shouted in the back, as if it was a good thing.

It wasn't. It really wasn't.

It was actually quite unfair, because they were forced to speak up about something that not all of them saw. It could cause them trouble. It also meant that somebody could just post it on the internet with the caption, 'REAL GUESTS VOICE *NOT CLICKBAIT*!' which could alert the ROBLOX Staff really quickly! So, the Headmistress was finally in the wrong for once.


Soon, everybody left to go to their lessons. Guest looked down nervously, but Noobi tried to smooth him.

'Hey, It's alright! I'm sure your idea worked the first time, so it should work the second time!' Guest agreed with Noobi, and from then on, he tried to have a positive day. Nothing was going to ruin it.

As so he thought.

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