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"Ox, I want you to find out all about this guy, Nash. If something life-threatening happened in the place he lived, don't stop our investigation about that runaway guy." He said this as he ran through the corridors in search of Nash.

In the bathroom, even before Tan could calm himself from his raging anger, Nash pushed him and ran out of there. And now he is fit to find him and ask about those damn burn scars.

"Why do you need that now? I'm already using my brains to find that guy; I don't have time to find out about that Nash now." He said it irritatingly.

"Listen, you're either going to find out about him or you'll see what I can do. You do know that I don't give empty threats." With that said, Tan declined the call.

It's not that they hate each other secretly; they are friends, best friends, but whenever Tan is in his bossy mood, no one is his friend or foe. He only sees and talks about what he sees or what he wants to know. This side of Tan is much worse than this goofy, bully Tan.

As he walked towards the parking lot, he heard heavy breathing coming from the tree beside his car. At first, he was going to ignore them, but he didn't know what happened, and he wanted to see who that person was. As he walked towards that tree, he saw Nash trying to breathe. His one hand was on his chest, and the other was trying to find something in his bag. His eyes were glossy, and some little water droplets were forming in there.

"Nash, what happened?" Tan ran to him as he held him by his shoulders.

"My medicine, please," Nash whimpered as his breathing was going irregular.

"Yes wait." Tan said as he rubbed his back with one hand while rummaging through the bag to find his medicine. As soon as he found that bottle of pills, he popped one from it to give it to him.

"Three, please," Nash muttered heavily.

"But." He tried to speak, but Nash's whimper had him halt his talk. He gave him three pills with some water to drink.

After some time, the boy calmed down.

"Are you okay?" Tan said as he caressed his head. Even he didn't know from where this soft side was coming, but it was coming. And he couldn't deny it. At least not now, when the boy may have needed him.

The latter just hummed as he rested his head on the elder's chest. Soon, he slept on his chest.

"Look at this fool sleeping in my arms. Yesterday he was running from me, and now pfft." A small chuckle left his lips as he picked him up and let him sit inside his car. And then they left the school.

As he reached home, he saw no one there, and he was thankful for that. He doesn't want his brother to encounter this. Never, if not never, for now at least. He gently put him on the bed and went to the washroom to freshen up and remove the sweat and blood from himself.

After a cold shower, he came from the bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. He glanced at the bed, only to find Nash sleeping. He sighed and sat on the couch.

He opened his phone and started to scroll in there. As he was scrolling, a message popped into his screen. It was from Knox. He immediately opened it and read the information in there. After reading, he had no reaction or anything else. He simply sat there and looked at the sleeping figure. Sighing, he stood up and went to his bed—not before wearing a boxer. He curled his arms around the sleeping beauty's waist and rested his head on his back.

'Why am I so attracted to you?' He mumbled to himself, gave him a soft kiss on the hair, and slept.

He woke up to some sound coming from the room. He opened his eyes to see Nash, trying to wear his shoes as he panicked. It seems like he was running from the latter.

"Where do you think you're going? Come sit here and talk with me." Tan said as he slowly sat on his head, his back resting on the headboard.

Nash was startled by hearing the voice.

"No. it's fine. I need to go now. Umm Thanks for helping me." Nash awkwardly said as he began to exit the room.

"You won't leave the room until I tell you to." He simply stated as he stood from the bed.

"Why are you being like this? I already said thank you; then why are you still hell-bent to talk with me? You do remember that I don't want to associate myself with you. I'm going." He said as he opened the door to leave. Before he could leave the room, he was pulled from his waist and thrown onto the bed. Before he could register what just happened, Tan jumped straight onto him.

"When I say to stay, you must obey me." He said this, glaring into his eyes.

"And why would I listen to you? We're not anything. Neither friends nor lovers nor family. So don't tell me what to do." Nash spat on him.

"Feisty as ever. Aren't you?" Tan smirked as he bent down to kiss his jaw.

"Wh..." Before Nash could process what happened, Tan had already kissed him on the lips. He was so dumb-struck that he didn't move an inch. He jolted when something entered his mouth. He, with all his might, pushed him away from him and crawled backwards to the end of the bed.

"What the hell did you just do?" He asked as his hand went into his mouth.

"I kissed you as simply as it is. And now that I think about it, your lips taste a little powdery, though I don't know why." Tan talked to him.

"Why would you kiss me? Aren't you a homophobe?" Nash yelled at him.

"What no." Tan laughed at his words.

"No, baby, you got it all wrong. I'm not a homophobe. You see, my own brother is going to marry a boy. It's just that I don't like the idea of a boy having sex with a boy and vice versa with girls." Tan laughed and cringed at the same time as he remembered when he saw two girls eating each other out once at a party.

"Huh, that basically means you're a homophobe." Nash scoffed as he slowly sat on his bed, Indian style.

"Even if you're not, then why kiss me? You're not gay." He curiously asked as he batted his eyes at him.

"Yup, I'm not, but you're just an exception." Tan said as he rested his head on his lap.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Nash didn't know how to react, so he sat there stiffened.

"Nothing, just resting on my baby's lap." He said this as he grinned at him.

"What baby? I'm not your baby." Nash scowled as he stood to walk away from him.

"You clearly want to go?" Tan asked with a pout on his face.

"Yup," he said as he started wearing shoes.

"At one condition," he said as he stood to wear a shirt.

"What?" Nash just scowled as he looked at him. A small blush appeared on his cheeks as he looked at the white, pale, and perfectly toned body of Tan.

"You're coming to the party with me." He flashed a big smile, showing his white teeth.

"Keep dreaming." Nash scoffed as he opened the door.

"Are you sure you don't want to go? I have a picture of you without a mask, you know. What if they go viral?" Tan said as a smirk appeared on his face.

Hearing this, his steps halted. He looked back and made a face, which was hard to describe.

"Why are you doing this?" He muttered ever so slowly that it almost didn't run in Tan's ear.

"As I told you, I want you to come to the party as a plus one." Tan shrugged his shoulders as if he hadn't threatened him.

"Fine. But I'll still be wearing a mask. And just message me the time and day. Oh, yeah, buy me a suit too. That's when I'll only go." Nash said as he disappeared from the room.

"Thank you, babe." Tan said as a never-going smile was plastered on his face. He doesn't know what's happening. Why is he getting attracted to this boy of all the people? There are many girls out there who are more beautiful than him, so why him? His questions were left unanswered as he drifted to sleep again.


Did you ever love me?(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now