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"What did I do?" He screamed as he woke up from his sleep. A rush of panic ran through his mind, thinking about last night's events.

"Ohh fuck..ohh fuck" He stood up only to fall right on his ass. His feet and leg was bandaged. He hissed at the pain and stood up to sit on the bed. It was wrong—downright wrong. There was no way he was forgiven by a simple apology. "What the fuck? How come I did that to him? He is definitely going to hate me. No, with the way he is, he is for sure going to kill me."

"That's new. You're scared of the guy whom you have known for one or two months. Seriously, what's wrong with you, Tan? You were never like this. Ever since that guy came into your life, you have thought about nothing but him. And mind you, you were out for two days." Ox said as he entered the room with a glass of water, some sandwiches on a plate, and medicine.

"You, where the fuck were you last night? You know I was going through seizures. Why were you so late? Good grace, you came at the right time, or God knows what I might have done to him yesterday." He yelled at him.

"It was your fault, Tan. You didn't tell me you're going through a seizure, and you sent me to find out about the guy on the runaway. I ran there as soon as I got to know you had your episode again. That guy was quick-witted and strong. Even if I hadn't come, he would have safely run from there, and it was not like you could have raped him considering he kicked you there twice, I guess." A small, shallow laugh left his mouth as he said this.

Tan didn't say anything as he went to the washroom, walking ever so slowly. He came back naked after taking a shower, not caring that Ox was still there. His leg was still bandaged. Thinking about how he might have raped Nash, he was eating him alive.

"Gahhh, put on some clothes. I, for sure, have no interest in your nakedness." Ox said as he made disgrunting noises. Ignoring him, Tan went towards him and picked up a sandwich to eat.

"Did you send him back to his home safely?" He chewed on his sandwich as he roamed into his room naked.

"I have no idea. After giving you an injection, I ran behind him, but as I reached the door, he was already in the car or taxi. However, I asked someone to look for him in his house, but there was no one in there. We also asked the neighbors, but they didn't know anything. However, they told me that he does this a lot. He doesn't come there most of the time, and no one knows where he spent so much time. He didn't even go to college for two days. We asked the neighbors to give us a call as soon as he came there. So, rest assured. He might be new here, but from what I have seen so far, he is safe and secure. He knows what he is doing."

Tan just sighed and did nothing. Ox was surprised that he didn't make any fuss about it. Usually, hearing something like this, he would have had the whole house upside down. But Tan knows what he did, and he has no right to know how or where he is.

"Tell me, how should I apologize to him?" He asked instead.

"Tell me, Tan, are you sure about your feelings towards him? From what I have seen, you just like the way he is around you, how he acts, and how much he likes to stay away from you. Usually, all the guys and girls fly around you like moths near honey. He was the first guy to oppose you, and that is why you like to tease him. You have confused your feelings of curiosity with liking someone. It is partially because of you, brother. Not that I'm accusing him, but I think he and his fiancee might be the reason for this." Knox answered in all honesty.

Tan didn't say anything, but he went toward him and bent near his mouth. He starts bending down and gazing at his lips. Knox and Tan have been close since they were young, so they are like brothers. They have been intimate, like hugging and cuddling with each other, on some occasions when they were young, but none of them is something Tan is doing now. Due to this, he suddenly felt cold and didn't know what to do. He has never been close to any guy with this level of intimacy, not to mention that guy was still naked. He wasn't feeling butterflies, that was for sure, but what he was feeling was now like someone putting acids in his mouth, passing through his throat to his stomach, burning him. A bile starts forming in his mouth, and before he could react, Tan licked his lips and went to kiss him. At the same time, he pushed him and gave him a solid, hard punch. The guy almost fell, but stopped himself. His feet looked in pain, and blood seeped out. How is the guy walking with that injury? He has no idea.

Did you ever love me?(Book 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن