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Sliding out of the car, Taehyung’s eyes took in the sight of security and the venue where the wedding was going to take place. His eyes roamed all over the place from outside, with something pricking right at the bottom of his stomach. An undestroyable and heavy in its existent pressure was lying on his shoulders, as the anticipation of meeting the people from his past entered the light of his mind.

He knew, he was now built enough to face them. Emotionally he was powerful and vigorous to look them in the eye and win the battle which was undoubtedly going to thrown at him.

He hadn't met his parents in years. He didn't even remember the time he had spoken to his mother and father, and, knowing how Jimin was close to both of them, especially his mother, it was certain that they were going to be here.

Taehyung was about to take a step forward, when a sudden voice stopped in his tracks, " You brought me here, and now you are already forgetting me. " Adam said from behind him, and stalked forward to stand himself beside Taehyung.

They were of same height. The only difference was how their bodies were built. Taehyung’s slim but well composed figure while Adam had more muscles and toned flesh in which the suit he was wearing at the moment seemed to fit too perfectly for his own good.

Taehyung removed his eyes from the front and instead let them fall on Adam, taking in his sight in the bright daylight.

Adam was charming. Undoubtedly.

He had never looked at him with sunlight illuminating his figure like that. His grey eyes remained settled on Taehyung with a ghost of smile over his lips, as it was also the first time Adam was watching him this curiously and impressively under the influence of the sunrays falling over Taehyung's impeccably sharp features.

Taehyung’s eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips, and just when Adam thought that he had managed to break a hole into the wall which Taehyung had always kept in between them, Taehyung’s deep husky voice broke all of the hopes he was holding onto that moment,

" It means nothing. " He said.

And, Adam sighed, removing his eyes from Taehyung along with his shoulders sagging.

It wasn't the first time Taehyung was telling him that. He had repeated that sentence from like five times since they were in the car together, coming here. At some point, Taehyung was right. Because, Adam wasn't used to heading to the public events with Taehyung, especially when it was something as this one.

Taehyung didn't tell him anything, other than that it was the wedding of his old acquaintance. And, the only reason, for which he was taking Adam with him was that, he knew he was going to get knackered and he didn't fancy waiting for Adam to come and help him relax.

It was certainly strenuous to wrap his mind around that particular condition of going at an unknown place, with a person who barely seemed to care about his presence and his sacrifice to stand there with him, but he had no other way.

He couldn't deny him.

And, now standing beside him, seeing how the tough look on Taehyung's face seemed to harden and morph into something more stronger and hard to break, as he stood there watching the venue from outside, Adam could at least tell that it was more than just a wedding of an old acquaintance.

And well, he was more than ecstatic to stand here with Taehyung. After all, it was his first public appearance with him.

Adam looked back at Taehyung, straightening his back, and tilted his head in his direction with a smug grin taking over his lips. " Its exactly the fifth time you are repeating this to me. " He pointed out, and nudged Taehyung, " Come on. Chill. Am not naive and immature. I know what this means in between us and what this all means to you. So, " He pressed his lips together, and sighed,

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