Your Hyung Is No More

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Nothing could have ever struck Jungkook as strongly and vigorously as Taehyung infront of his eyes and their heart carrying a million miles infinite distance between them. Bent down infront of Taehyung, snapping his pictures from different angles with his poker face and stinging piercing eyes gaping into the lens of camera, was something that Jungkook never looked forward to do in the near future.

He should've asked the director about the model he was going to do this photoshoot with. But, after having that little talk with Jimin and hearing every single bit of events and hardships which Taehyung went through behind his back, he just wanted nothing but work. Work or something which could take his mind off of the incidents which were revealed by Jimin a couple of days back.

And well, seemed like fate had entirely different plans for him.

Now, looking in Taehyung’s cold eyes from the lens of camera and observing him how he was completely vanished under the blanket of his professionalism that other than the resemblance he carried with the face of his Hyung who he left, there was nothing else which seemed to be identical to the man who confessed to him years ago, it was evident that the plans of fate weren't so tender and gentle.

Taehyung hadn't even given him a reaction. Not even a tiny bit of his facial muscles or his eyes wavered or pulsed apart from its confined  impeccable position when he had landed his eyes on Jungkook. There was no reaction.

And, as well as Jungkook was feeling a little thrilled by that, he couldn't make himself turn his back at his own self which wasn't so pleased with that -no reaction- he was provided. 

A little change could've been nicer? Couldn't it?

A little point, a tiny bit of reaction not a large one, just a pinch of that which could give Jungkook assurance that he was remembered by him. That, Taehyung maybe wasn't in love with him anymore, but at least a part of him recalled their memories together, their time together, and how they always completed each other at the end of everyday, just like Jungkook did.

But now, it was clear that Taehyung was over it. Over everything. Not just the love he once had for him, but also the time they once spent together.

The shoot was over before even Jungkook could make himself accustomed to every event which was being subjected to him. Taehyung was no longer in the lens of his camera and there was no model face carrying burning fire in those blue eyes which was desperate to almost reach him and swallow him alive. There was nothing but a blank empty white surface in his lens, giving him the impression of how it exactly felt looking in Taehyung’s eyes.

Blank and void. Empty. Something, that held nothing. Or maybe, it held too much to even give it away. Jungkook couldn't exactly pinpoint the cause and the reason, the questions which were swirling in his head and the confusion banging through his walls.

He got up from his position, and placed his camera back on the table where he caught the sight of Taehyung checking his pictures while standing at a distance from others. Even, the director was just nodding along the instructions which were leaving Taehyung’s mouth in low thick voice while keeping that almost five feet distance from Taehyung.

Passing thumbs up to everyone and giving them his professional smile, which Jungkook had seen more than enough time on the billboards in Tokyo and Taehyung’s birthday ads on the buses and common streets, Taehyung bowed for one last time as the applause was presented to him at his work. It wasn't even a second later, when Taehyung was already on his feet, stalking towards the changing room without exchanging anymore extra words with anyone.

Without even glancing back at him.

Jungkook looked around for the last time, in a way to take a thorough look of his surroundings and make himself come in terms with the situation at that moment. Packing his stuff with rather unsteady movements as his hands couldn't make themselves come in pace with the relentless urge of his to leave the place, Jungkook slung his bag over his shoulder and bowing to everyone while hearing appreciation for his work, he walked out, only for his footsteps to match up the pace of Taehyung.

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