Pool side

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Aurora and Adam left Rochelle's office hand in hand. Both were overjoyed, and they kept smiling at each other as they walked back to the studio room.

"You two are looking mischievous." Rochelle exclaimed when they returned.

"Just some mother-son bonding." Aurora answered joyously.

With their task done, Adam and his parents returned home. Logan left for the office shortly after, and Sophia kept Aurora for observation.

But Adam had all sorts of feelings overflowing. He was happy, nervous, excited, and worried. He felt energised and unable to stay still, even to play his games. He wanted to be near Aurora and wanted her to hug and kiss him again. He wanted to feel her warmth again.

Adam got up from his desk and hurried to the care room. Sophia was in a corner of the room, taking stock of the inventory.

Aurora lay in bed with her eyes closed. She was connected to two machines with monitors. One of which was beeping away at regular intervals.

"Come in, Sophia said upon noticing him.

Adam walked over to the side of the bed that Aurora was facing. He moved a chair to the bed and then laid his head down, watching his mother sleep. The boy smiled.

Aurora caressed his head. "hi"

"You're awake?"

"Mmhm," she said, opening her eyes and smiling back at him. "Come up on the bed with me."

He nodded and climbed into the bed. The two snuggled, wrapping their arms around each other. Adam looked up at his mother with bright eyes. She caressed his cheek and kissed his nose.

"I love you, micino."

The boy bashfully hid his face against his mother's chest. They embraced each other until they fell asleep.

Adam had good dreams. They started out as bad memories of his mother but were washed away by Aurora showing up. Whenever he was crying alone in a corner, Aurora came and comforted him.

They slept into the evening and awoke when Logan returned home. Logan was taken aback by how close Aurora and Adam had gotten in such a short time, though he had his suspicions.

"You were eavesdropping on us this morning, weren't you?" He asked, setting his cutlery down.

It was less a question and more an accusation.

Adam looked at his father at the head of the table and answered ashamedly. "Yes, sir."

"Is this a habit of yours?" Logan asked with annoyance.

"Logan." Aurora reprimanded.

"You two have been acting weird since Rochelle's. I don't need to guess at what happened. Don't get your hopes up, Aurora; his parents still might not agree."

"It's okay," Aurora said, reaching for Adam's arm.

"I didn't mean to." Adam explained defensively. You guys were shouting, and I—"

"I know, piccolo." his mother soothed. "Don't worry, I'll do everything I can."

The next day, the family bustled about busily in the morning. They had to attend the birthday celebrations for the Kaufmanns' son. The celebrations were being held at a hotel on the beach, Mermaid Sands.

Adam felt nervous about the party. Sure, some of his new friends would be there, and he was looking forward to it, but the thought of a pool or the beach frightened him a little. Aurora had said it was fine that he couldn't swim; he could still play in the shallow parts.

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