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Before his eyes opened, Adam was aware of three things. A light, sweet aroma of fresh flowers—that was Aurora's scent, he smiled to himself. The second thing was that someone's breathing was stirring a few strands of his hair, tickling his forehead. Finally, an arm hung over him, holding him to Aurora's scent.

The boy opened his eyes, now also aware of the arm under his head. He lifted his head and saw his mother's sleeping face. Adam smiled. He was back; it wasn't a dream. He threw his arm over Aurora. He was home.

"Alright, you two, time to wake up. I made breakfast." Logan announced loudly, walking in with trays of food.

Aurora groaned an answer, and Adam watched excitedly as his mother's eyes opened, then hid his face against her chest.

Aurora looked down and kissed the boy's head. "Good morning, my love." She whispered.

Adam blushed hard as he mumbled his greeting. She wasn't angry. Neither of them were. They were just as happy to see him again.

"I made my special," Logan said, watching the two stretch and sit up.

"Special indeed." Aurora teased as Logan set the trays down. "See, Adam, your father has no talent for cooking. Charred sunny side up with a dash of egg. At least your toasts aren't charcoals this time. Congratulations."

"Don't listen to your mother. As long as it's edible, it's food. Have a bite."

"Later, I'll have Imran fix you something proper." Aurora whispered, leaning close.

Adam watched his parents smiling faces, his smile dropping. "You guys aren't upset with me?"

"There's only so much you can do as a child. Honestly, your mother's idea was ludicrous." Logan said, shooting Aurora a stern glare. "We'll think of something. So don't worry."

The family stayed in bed after breakfast, with both Logan and Aurora taking turns reading bedtime stories to Adam while they all snacked on chocolate cookies. But the family's blissful, carefree morning was ruined with the return of Nicholas and Ms. Williams to their doorstep. The boy's parents acquiesced to letting them in, and the three sat opposite the man and his companion. Nicholas was, by far, the happiest person in the room.

"It's funny; I found your son two cities over when neither of you were in the state." Nicholas chuckled. "Not only that, this woman is adamant that he is her son, not yours. She even has a birth certificate and passport. Where's your son's birth certificate, Aurora? His passport?"

Adam's parents stared silently at the pair. The boy knew if Nicolas got the police involved, like he threatened, they would send him back to that woman.

"Is that so?" Aurora asked coldly, staring daggers at the other woman.

The woman's gaze darted between Aurora and Nicholas. It was evident that she feared Nicholas more than Aurora, but she was also hesitant to speak against Aurora.

"Go on, tell them. I can protect you. No matter who threatens you." Nicholas reassured Ms. Williams.

"He...he's my son," the woman stammered. "He went missing a few months ago."

"That's all you're here for?" Logan asked, annoyed.

"He needs to come home." Ms. Williams went on.

A triumphant smile spread across Nicholas' face, and he puffed his chest out. "She says he's her son. And she has his birth certificate and passport to prove it, too. My love, enough of this game, come home with me."

"Since you have no other reason for disturbing my family, get out." Logan declared.

"Ah yes, Logan. I have a beneficial proposition for you. You'll get what you've been trying to achieve, on the condition that you divorce Aurora."

Logan set his jaw and clenched his fist, his anger building faster than he could suppress it.

Nicholas continued, "You know I have the wealth and connections to make it happen. There's no need to fight among the losers for breadcrumbs. I'm offering you wealth and fame. After that, you can have any woman you desire."

"I already have the woman I want!"

"Don't cross me, nouveau riche; I will make your life a living hell. You've stained Aurora with your filth long enough." Nicholas shifted to the edge of his seat to face Aurora. "My love, let's return to Europe; our wedding is long overdue."

From the moment she first spoke, Aurora never took her eyes off of Ms. Williams. Her gaze was so intense that the other woman seemed to shrink under the pressure.

Aurora took a breath and turned to Nicholas. Her attitude was a complete reversal. "Please leave." she begged softly.

Logan and Adam were astonished and watched Aurora carefully. Neither had expected her subdued tone. But she only looked down at the ground.

"I love this, you." Nicholas said affectionately. "I'll be back tomorrow." He announced, leaving with Ms. Williams.

After their guests' departure, the family did not move from their seats. Logan and Adam continued to stare at Aurora, who was now crying silently.

The boy held his mother's hand, hoping to offer her some comfort. Internally, he again blamed himself for his parents' predicament.

"This isn't like you. What are you keeping from me?" Logan finally said, shattering the depressing silence that hung over them.

Aurora let go of Adam's hand and walked to the other side of the room, keeping her back to her son and husband. Again, another depressing silence stretched on.


"Adam's our biological son!" she cried.

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