Disastrous invitation

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Following Adam's intrepid question, the adults' conversation turned to children and family. Here, Logan found common ground with Nikolaev, sharing a similar philosophy about protecting one's family and children. As the men settled into comfortable talks, Nikolaev took on the role of elder to impart parenting wisdom to Logan and Aurora.

Adam, forced to entertain himself, continued watching the crowd slowly shift around them. In his wanderings, he found an older man staring in their direction. He brushed it off at first, but whenever his gaze travelled the room, he found the man was still looking intensely in their direction. The boy glanced behind, and finding no one but the wait staff, he looked back at the man who was now approaching them with an ever-widening smile on his face. He walked right up to the group and cut off Logan, who was speaking.

"Ms. Aurora, it is a pleasure to meet you again." The man said, giving a short bow.

The man's thick accent reminded the boy of the way his mother had read the Coyote's lines from his bedtime story.

Aurora froze at his words and turned pale when she saw him. "Assistant Morbidelli..."

"It honours me that you remember an old man such as myself. It is very reassuring to find you in good health. This must be your son, the future of Baggio." The man grabbed Adam by the chin and leaned down, looking into his eyes.

Adam couldn't take his eyes off the man, who, despite his gentle smile, was rough as he turned Adam's face left and right. Adam glared at the man; he didn't know him, but the man's presence frightened his mother. Assistant Morbidelli inspected him closely and nodded affirmatively.

"What brings you here?" Aurora inquired as she pulled Adam protectively behind her.

"Your father asked me to deliver your invitation to the family summer gathering." The man reached into his jacket and pulled out an ash-coloured envelope with gold borders and a red wax seal. "He very much looks forward to meeting the young heir." He smiled.

Before he retreated, Assistant Morbidelli looked around at the group. He ignored Logan and Rochelle but greeted the Russian with a crafty grin on his face.

"Mr. Nikolaev."

"Mr. Morbidelli." Nikolaev watched the other man from the corner of his eye, then took a sip of his drink.

Seeing the two men exchange less than civil greetings, Aurora swiftly turned to Logan and mouthed, "I'm sorry."

Before Logan or Aurora could speak, Nikolaev raised his glass to the couple. "Thank you." He then finished the contents and held it upside down in the air before walking away.

"I'm so sorry," Aurora apologised, her voice cracking.

"It's okay." Logan said, gently rubbing her back.

Aurora squeezed the envelope in her hand. "I'm sorry."

"It wasn't your fault."

Aurora shook her head. "For everything that happens after tonight."

She looked down at the envelope in her hand. Adam watched his mother; she looked drained and older since meeting Assistant Morbidelli. Her posture was also different; she was not confident like he knew her to be. Her shoulders and eyes drooped. The image of cold, lifeless eyes flashed before Adam's eyes, and he shook his head to dispel the memory.

Logan wrapped his arm around Aurora, and at the same time, Adam grabbed her hand. But their comforting gestures could not reach her.

"I want a divorce."

"Aurora, talk to me."

"I want a divorce!" She raised her voice, glaring at him.

"You can rest in my office." Rochelle offered.

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