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I wake up on my bed I didn't even know i fell asleep i sigh and took a moment to get up I got up from my bed and got dressed into normal clothes I took a moment and looked at myself in the mirror

"Why do I look so..."
I asked myself before walking out my room and walked to a room in the academy and the others were there talking and snacking

"Oh hello y/n how did you sleep"
Fei asked me as I took a seat at the end of the table next to her
"I slept alright...as always you know i didn't even know I fell asleep"
I tell her and gave her a small shrug
"Hmm that sounds like you must have been tired since your...a teenager"
I sigh and grabbed something to eat
"Hey y/n just so you know we have a guest...he should be waking up here in a moment."
Ben tells me and I gave him a nod

Ben tells me  everything
After a while we were talking and laughing it felt like we were being a family it was something that wasn't unusual but sometimes rare

I see Luther walk in with a mop in hand looking like he was ready to attack

"Ah, there he is"
Alfonso says and sloane stops the blender and looked at him with a smile

"Please, join us"
Fei said and I gave him a reassuring smile letting him know we won't hurt him and Alfonso pulled out a chair for Luther to sit down
"It's ok. Nobody's gonna hurt you"
sloane Asked giving him a glass
"Yeah thanks"
"You must be starving"
"Oh, uh no i...i probably shouldn't. Is that cashew butter"
"Cashew butter, almond butter, sunflower butter, tahini, Brazil nut"
"Wow. You know what now you mention it, I'm am feeling a bet uh, peckish, actually"

luther said and I had to look up at him since he was close to me

"Well go ahead take a seat there's plenty"
I tell him and he started walking towards a seat

i watch as he sat down grabbing stuff to make what he's gonna eat and he smiles at us

"So, we know you're number one, but we haven't formally introduced yet I'm Ben, number two"
"It is so good to see you again, buddy"
Luther says smiling with a smile chuckle and shook his head

"Why does everyone keep looking at me like that"
Ben asked then looked at us
"Because you've been dead for 15 years"
"Dead? What do you mean dead?"
ben asked and we were all still looking at Luther and the silence was so loud
"Kind of a long story"

Luckily fei but in

"Anyway, I'm fei, number three"
"Alphonso, cuatro"
"Sloane Five Hey"
"I'm jayme, six"
"that's Christopher, of course number seven"
"And I'm y/n, number eight"
I tell him and gave him a small wave

"Oh wow we don't have a number eight that's ...interesting. Wait, uh, what about, um number one?"
"What about him"
"Where is he?"

ben stabs the table which makes me jump a little

"That's what we'd like to know"
ben said and we all looked at him I was wondering where Marcus was because he wouldn't leave without letting us know

"Are we playing a game?"
"Whatever game the umbrellas are playing, your gonna lose. You took our number one, so we took you"
"Wait, we took Marcus? Why would we do that?"

"Act of war? Death wish"
"The last time we saw him, he was with your sister-"
"Which one?"
"The little one with the big powers"
"Vanya? Huh...well I gotta say, it is not sound like something vanya to go and kidnap anybody...you know I am usually the last to know about these kinds of things"

"You're their number one. Should you know everything"
"You know. You'd think so, Ben. Discipline has never really been our strong suit. It's pretty much a free-for-all over there...so listen this sounds like a easy fix. I'll head back I mean, my family's probably worried sick about me, to be honest"

What Luther was saying was kind of... interesting I mean no disciplinary...a free for all it's like his family didn't have to be... perfect

I lose my train of thought when Luther tried to Stan up

"What's the rush? Stick around till Marcus is back."

Christopher speaks

"My family will come for me"
"Wonderful. In the meantime, make yourself at home."

Ben said and stands up

"Oh, and uh...before i forget, if you try to escape, fei's birds will peck your eyes out and make a nest inside your skull"
Ben says and fei grins and chuckles before standing


I get up and put my stuff away before walking to my room to get some things ready for my day today

I was in my room and played some music my favorite song "everything black by unlike Pluto and mike Taylor" came on
(If you like another song then you can just imagine it :) )

In the middle of me packing stuff I heard a knock at my door I turned the music down and went to open it

"Hey y/n you got a minute"
Jayme asked standing there in front of me

"Um yeah come in"
I tell her and she walked in as she did that she looked around my room and I closed my door

"So what is it you wanna talk about"
I asked her curiously wondering why she wanted to talk to me

"It's about those umbrellas"
"And why are you telling me about them?"
"Well...I saw something when I shot spit at that little boy"
"And why are you telling me about-"
"I saw you in it"
I said in complete shock why was I in his memory
"Yeah and it was like you two knew each other he was speaking another language so i couldn't understand what he was saying but i knew it was something like I missed you and I'm sorry but for some reason you two kissed"

I was looking at her in shock I never thought in my wildest dreams that something like this would happen but the only word that came out of my mouth was


(Ok so the second week of school was interesting I mean I love all my classes and i at least have some friends in them BUT the second week was crazy like I think the school needs a break after what happened😰)

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