Hello sensei

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Hours past as it was dark outside I was in my room watching 'Say yes to the dress' and trying to fix my locator I had broken when me, five and Lila fell

Me and Sloane talked about what happened when I was gone and I had told her i didn't want her to be associated with the umbrellas I knew she wanted to say something about it but i just ignored it even though she was technically older than me i had to do what I had to do to keep my family safe

I looked in my drawer to see if I had a piece i needed to fix my watch but I didn't I slammed my drawer shut as I pushed my magnifying glass away from my face

"Fuck" I mumbled to myself as I got up from my chair putting on my shoes to go see someone who had what I needed i left my room to tell Sloane I was heading out for a little

I found her reading
"Hey Sloane, I have to go get something I'll be back later" I tell her going down stairs "ok stay safe" I heard her say as I left the Academy

As I walked I felt the nice breeze of the night sky as i continued walking I got lost in my thoughts

I wondered what would happen if non of this happened living normal lives like normal people. I wondered how my other family was doing were they dead or were they in this timeline. I wondered where they lived what if they lived far away from where I was

I was taken out of my thoughts when someone came up to me
"Hey are you y/n Hargreeves" a girl asked i just looked at her a nodding as i continued walking she looked my age even though I was older than her she was wearing a band shirt with a beanie letting her short black hair show

"Cool, I'm Lana hey so I was thinking maybe we could-" she tried to say but I cut her off
"I'm sorry I don't have time to talk or be rude but I'm really busy alright so could you just...you know...leave"

I said not wanting to sound like a dick but i didn't want to be bothered with fan girls wanting to do weird stuff with me i just wasn't into that really

"Oh ok sorry" she said as she stopped in her tracks and i continued walking going where i needed to go

I had made it to a sketchy area where biker gangs were there were some out side on there bikes

"Oh look who's back" one said
"Hey darlin" another said but I ignored them

I had made it inside seeing that there were other people inside and they were drinking and smoking and there was a woman on a pole I looked away since I was a respectable young man

I took one more glance at her

I continued walking

"Want your usual" someone asked and I waved my hand at them

I made it to a door walking in and seeing my favorite chimpanzee giving someone a tattoo I knocked in a rhythm letting him know I was there

"I'm just picking something up, won't be long" i tell him as I walked over to a drawer

"Take whatever you need and leave" he said still tattooing the guy "woah relax i just needed a piece for the locator I broke" i said still looking through the drawer

My eyes glanced over a picture frame I picked it up and looked at it it was me when i looked older and the others including pogo

The year 2014

Me and my siblings were standing in a line

"Just because something is right in front of you, does not mean..." pogo was saying when he poked Alfonso back with his stick "...it is within reach. There is always something in the way sometimes it is your opponent"

Jayme and Ben stepped up to each other as me and the others stepped back and moved a little closer to each other I was standing next to Sloane our hands behind our backs

"Sometimes it is yourself" as pogo finish Ben and Jayme bow down and got into a fighting stance

I looked between them biting my bottom lip since I knew that this wasn't gonna turn out well for one of them

"Start the match" pogo said and hit his staff on the ground as he did that Ben and Jayme started fighting

Ben and Jayme were throwing kicks here and there when Ben threw the first punch but Jayme blocked it quickly she continued blocking his hits and started hitting him back they both tried to get each other away from the bell

After a few seconds they started using there powers Ben blocking Jayme spit with a tentacle it almost getting on Marcus and Fei

I watched in intently as Ben tried hitting her with his tentacle she tried getting away from them with one more hit Ben broke one of the walls and grabbed Jayme

I watch as Ben covered her mouth and nose not letting her breathe my eyes widen he was doing some serious damage to her

"You're gonna tap out or past out. It's your choice" Ben said being cocky as always he leaned closer to her and spoke again "hey, it's your life"

He put the hold on her tighter and i started to get worried he was gonna kill her just to win it was training not real life but before i could say anything Sloane spoke up

"Ben, that's enough! Let her go" she said and I put my hand on her shoulder to reassure her nothing was gonna happen even though I was doubting my hopes

"Jayme...Jayme come on just tap out" Alfonso said we all knew she wasn't gonna do it since she was a fighter not a quitter

"I'm afraid there's no tapping out in the real world. Children" Reginald said making us look at him we all got back in formation i take my hand away from Sloane and put my hands behind my back
Jayme looked in so much pain that I could hear her bones cracking

"That's enough!" Pogo said putting his fist up "no!" Reginald interjected "Jayme will let us know when she's had enough" he said and i looked back at Jayme seeing her standing to fall over slowly her body giving up

That was until she stabbed Ben tentacle with wood he broke he groaned in pain as they let go of her i smirked seeing this

Jayme caught her breath for a few seconds before getting up and kicking the bell

"Suck it, squid boy" she taunted i nodded a approvingly "bravo" Reginald said I saw that Ben got up and stormed out of the room and Jayme came back to my side

"Remember children, we never knew what were truly capable of until we're forced to confront our own extinction" Reginald said and pogo spoke

"And as their sensei it is my job to make sure they never have to" pogo said walking up to Reginald "then you overestimate yourself. children leave us." Reginald said and we stayed put before Marcus told us to go

I looked disappointed as we made our way out Marcus behind me

"Hey y/n...can we talk please" he said stopping me in my tracks I turned around to look at him "sure..." I said as he pulled me away from the others

"There's something I need to tell you" he said and I gave him a look before speaking up "I'm sorry Marcus but I'm not really in the dating industry" I said and that caught his attention "oh no thats not what i wanted to tell you" he said and laughed i smiled and laughed "then what is it" i asked

"So...me and dad were talking and we thought you might be ready to go on a mission...by yourself" Marcus said and my eyes widened and a huge smile crossed my lips

"Really you mean you want me to go on a mission by myself" i said and he nodded I was excited this meant that they trusted me and thought I was strong enough

"Yes y/n" he said and i couldn't help myself but hug him tightly "thank you...this means so much to me" i said and he hugged me back

I know...i know what your thinking

I'm sorry I've been lazy I haven't lost interest in this and I'll NEVER but I was gonna add more to this but I was like
"They need something it feels like I haven't posted in a month" but yeah I umm...been getting distracted by C.Al if you know what i mean so I'm sorry about that😅...oh look at my pfp it looks cute...but thank you for reading I'll see you maybe next year but have a good day or night bye ✌🏼

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