Lets go back to the Academy 

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(That picture got me feeling some type of way~~🧍🏻‍♀️if it doesn't show I'm sorry)

Y/n's pov
After a while I explained everything to Tammy how I missed my normal life with my family in a stupid bakery (just gonna slide that in bc why not be a baker yk) and how my last words too my mother was 'I don't care' those words haunted me when I was in the apocalypse because my mother tried everything for me and my sister and my last words to her was 'See you later cerise' (cherry)

Right now Y/n was behind five as he drove them back to the hotel y/n was holding onto five tightly y/n didn't realize it but he was closing his eyes and his arms were loosing around five but it all happened so quickly it felt like slow motion

Y/n fell off the motorcycle and a memory came crashing to him

Boy memory

"You doing anything this weekend" a guy y/n had a crush on asked

"Probably not, that's only if my mother doesn't need me to help her with stuff" Y/n tells him "well if your not do you think you wanna hang out" the guy asked and y/n had to keep himself from blushing

"Sure that's sounds fun where do you wanna go if I can go" y/n asks smiling "I was thinking the movies"

"Oh sure yeah I like movies but hey if I can't go I'm going to the game Friday if you wanna hang there" y/n tells him

"Sure the game sounds fun...I'll see you later then" the guy says leaving to go somewhere leaving y/n there all blushing and excited-
Boy memory over

"-Y/n wake up" five says to y/n trying to wake him up but still nothing "damn it y/n wake up" five says one more time before pinching y/n hard

"Yes I'll go" y/n yelled as he sat up quickly and five looked at him confused but relieved

"What the hell was that" five asked as he looked over y/n making sure he was ok "wh-what happened" y/n asked five "you fell asleep and fell off the bike" five tells him "oh I'm sorry I guess I was just tired" y/n tells him before he stands up with the help of five

"Why did you yell 'yes I'll go'" five asked him as they went to the bike and y/n shrugs "i don't know...i guess i remembered something" he tells five

"What was it about" five asked and y/n shook his head "it's nothing let's go" he says as they got on the bike and y/n held onto five

"Try not to fall this time don't want you getting a concussion"

Five starts driving again I cracked a small smile

After we get to the hotel and ran into Lila and Diego and they explained what happened to them while we were gone so now we were in a room looking at a painting while Diego looked around for Stan

I flinched when Lila started yelling at Diego
"What the hell are you doing? Stanley is gone! We need to face this" I turned to look at them "just check the chimney!" Diego yelled back to Lila "he's not in the bloody chimney! He's been kugelblitzed"

Lila yelled and I noticed that five turned to look at them as well "Whose fault is that, huh,? You're the one that brought him here"

"Are you two done or do we need to go" I asked and five joined in "congratulations. You're both mildly terrible parents. Can we focus? Come on. How did this thing open before?" He asked motioning towards the wall "i don't know. It was already kinda open."

"Already kinda open" five said repeating Diego "Diego, you should have been an engineer. It's a lost opportunity" five mocked his brother and i smiled holding back a small laugh

"Why'd you wanna go in there anyway? It's just sushi and death." Lila said walking up to us "because Lila when we met future five in the commission bunker he warned himself about oblivion. And pogo told us—" i tried to say but Diego cut me off

"Wait, whoa, whoa! Pogo's alive" he asked and five nodded "A different pogo, but yes. The monkey said dad spent years training the sparrows for some kind of super-secret mission into..." he waited for someone to finish what he had to say "Oblivion" Lila said and five clapped his hands together

"Just so you guys know I had no clue about this so..." I put my hands up in defense as Diego looked at me I guess trying to see if I was being serious

"—So, i come back here and find that you two sentient STDs have actually been in there. Everything is leading into oblivion so we have to go in there" five tells them and i looked back at the wall again five doing the same. I know that I was trained for this kind of mission but I wasn't ready I practically can't be alone with out freaking out

"—hell no! Not happening"
"—no way! We barely got out of there alive"

"Yeah? So what? This is about more than just you two." Five says looking at the two will I looked at the wall still

"Says the guy with all his fingers. And who's been going off with a sparrow" Diego said and I turned to look at him as he held up his hand with missing fingers and i grimace seeing that "I didn't get this by giving a mummy a hand job, alright, I went in there and I lost my fingers to this thing with...wi-with a knife and on a chain" Diego said getting closer to five as he for some reason made jerking motions with his other hand

"—Hey, look, Diego might be 90% moron and 10% pelvic thrusts but he's right about oblivion, okay we're not just gonna waltz back in there just because you say so." Lila says and looked and I saw Sloane and i smiled seeing her

"Good. because you're coming with us." Luther said and that seen him and I was uninterested anymore "This should be interesting. Where to?" Five asked and I walked up to Sloane and Luther as she said "Sparrow academy."

"The world's ending, so I think it's time we put our petty bullshit aside and work together on this kugelblitz." Luther said as I stood by Sloane side seeing that five walked over to us walking out of the room dragging me along

~In the sparrow academy~

We all stood around as Grace passed around cookies as I sat in my respective seat since I was or am a sparrow i didn't know at this point

"Welcome. Please make yourself at home" fei says walking into the library room "Bitch, this is our home." Alison says and I wanted to kick her

"Excuse me" Fei asked
"Use to be your home" i muttered and for some reason I had a lot to say about Alison and i couldn't wait for the day i did

"-Uh. Jellybean" Luther said not wanting there to be a fight again "Where the hell is Viktor and klaus?" Diego asked wondering where his brothers are "with our luck, probably kugelblitz by now" five said and I glanced at him

"Your a dark little dude sometimes" Diego commented "-Ooh what happened to your hand?" Fei asked "He was jerking off a mummy" i said and Fei chuckled

Ben clapped his hand getting our attention "We don't have time for idle chitchat. Everyone, sit down." He tells them since I was already sitting down "please would be nice" Diego muttered "No"

Time go by fast I thought I posted like a week ago
Anyways have a good day or night see you next time bye~✌🏼

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