We're going on a trip

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I tried to explain it to Klaus to his level of idiocy which was a success after I did everyone started talking again

"I'm so confused" Diego said I had finally got to know his name when five said something to him "-shocking" the one I still didn't get the name of said

"Well, someone killed our mothers so we shouldn't exist. But clearly we do exist and the universe can't handle it, which is a problem"
Victor said and I pointed at him since he was the only one who understood "big problem"
Five said with a sigh taking a sip of his drink I tried to look at what he was drinking because i didn't see what he poured in the cup

"Stanley" Diego yelled making me jump a little "now is not the time to be doing karate, ok"
Said Diego I turned to look at Stanley "mom said I need to practice" Stanley said trying to defend himself "yeah well she's not wrong. Your very bad" Diego said tossing his knife up in the air "well I saved your pathetic ass"
Stanley said and I was confused why did he save him and from who

"Ok hold on five, so we caused a paradox what does that mean" the lady asked sounding frustrated "it's hard to say. It's all been theoretical until now, but things have started to disappear" five tells them "what things"
Viktor asked "right now? Uh lobsters-"
"And a shit ton of cows"
Klaus said sitting up from the floor i nodded and pointed at him "yeah cows a fuck ton of them" i said and  Klaus pointed at me "but we as in y/n and I have a feeling this is just the beginning"

"A feeling? Aren't you retired. And shouldn't he be with his sparrows" the lady said "I want nothing more" "nah I'm good"
Me and five said at the same time "you know, you can't drag us through hell because you have a itch only an apocalypse can scratch and then expect us to deal with the fallout. You're not the boss" she said sounding like she was getting upset "fine, I'm the messenger, and I'm telling you something terrible is coming" five tells her "then let's go attack the sparrows, get the briefcase, and go home" she said but I intervene

"Wo ok what are you talking about, what briefcase, and there's no chance of any of you getting out alive if you tried to attack"
I said not liking how she would try to do something that stupid did she not learn from the last time we fought "I'm talking about the briefcase we left at the house" she said "last time i checked i didn't see a briefcase but if I go back I'll save you the trouble"
I tell her not wanting to hear her mouth anymore

"Great be my guest I'm ready to go home" she tells me and i sighed walking away to get something to drink
I heard five say something to the lady but i couldn't hear because he was whispering god I hated when he did that wait when he did that-

I heard clattering and I turned to see Stanley messing around "that's it I'm telling your mom" Diego said getting up from his seat "ooh" Stanley said mocking his dad "wait, where's Lila?" Five asked wondering were the women was "shower. I told her she could stay with us" Stanley explained telling them were his mother was

"Wait. When did Lila get back" Viktor asked five walked away I think he went to go look for the lady in question "five, where you going" Diego asked looking at five I turned to look at him taking a sip of my water/tea/coffee/alcohol "go talk to somebody who only has half her head up her ass" five said and turned slightly to look at us mainly me "I'll see you in a minute"

I looked at him confused but i shrugged it off
"Don't leave, five. Don't leave" Klaus said with a pathetic attempt to bring him back "No Klaus. I'm leaving" five said leaving us alone...us alone gosh I'm pretty sure non of them like me instead of Klaus and maybe Victor

"I mean, he has a good track record with this stuff. I feel like we should listen to him" Viktor said trying to be reasonable with his siblings "-sure hey, quick question" Klaus said getting up off the ground "do none of you heartless bastards care about our murdered moms"
Klaus said sounding drunk "Klaus the only one that we knew was plugged into a wall" Diego said clearly talking about Grace

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