Chapter ɩɑ

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"This just in! Gray Mitchell has been convicted of life in prison for a string of android murders taking place all across Detroit. Apparently, she's also responsible for the rise in terrorist bombings at pro-android rallies. A few of her followers have also been taken into custody. All thanks to Lieutenant Cartier from our very own Detroit Police Department. I'm sure all androids are thankful for her help. Johnson? Back to you."

"I need to stop watching the news." Andrea sighed as she turned off the TV. For some reason, it was always the first channel that would come up whenever she turned it on. She blamed it on Connor because he liked to keep as up-to-date as possible on the news before he'd retreat to bed with her.

Connor smiled softly at Andrea and let out a chuckle. Not only was the news depressing but Andrea despised hearing about herself. Whether it was good or bad, it didn't matter. Of course, Andrea liked hearing others opinions but the news outlets could skew the truth so far that it gets out of hand. She couldn't believe they put out a story saying something was wrong with android optics. Especially the androids at one of the bombings. Horrible. And downright insane.

"I would say it's because you're a fairly good topic." Connor squeezed Andrea's hand and gave her a single nod. "You're beautiful and a good detective. No wonder you became a Lieutenant."

Andrea cocked an eyebrow with an amused smile. Connor wasn't the biggest flirt in the world but was effective when he did. Ever since he moved in, Andrea could see him become more and more confident when talking to her. That feeling of jealousy washed away like written letters in the sand. Living with him was great. He was an attentive partner and knew when to give Andrea space. It's only been a few weeks, a very hectic few weeks, but Andrea wouldn't trade it for the world. Gray's trial went swimmingly and she was able to find evidence to get Jess in custody as well as a few others.

Well, Nines helped too. He was a great help, considering the fact he's pretty much the same model as Connor. Same skills, same database... just a different personality.

Andrea glanced back at the powered-down TV and sighed a bit. "I... will never get used to it. Being talked about on TV."

"You get second-hand embarrassment. Some would call that humility." Connor pointed out with a small smile.

Andrea nodded with a shrug. "Better than some other people I know."

"What other people do you know?" Connor had to admit, he thought the only people Andrea knew were her coworkers and her siblings. The leaders of Jericho were a bit of a special case since they were connected to a murder victim.... And the bombings.

Andrea let out a nervous laugh. "Well, Kamski and I used to, uh... talk a lot." Connor cocked an eyebrow, suddenly very interested in how Andrea knew his creator. "It was a while ago. I still have his number and we talk occasionally, but not for long cause he starts to get annoying. Guess it runs in the family."

Connor didn't know of many people who were friends with Kamski, for years or just a few months. It seemed like the creator of artificial life couldn't keep a friend for long. They'd eventually leave. No wonder he poured all his time and energy into creating something that would never leave. He was lonely. Hell, even Gavin couldn't stand him and they were brothers. Plus Gavin was an ass much like Kamski, one would think they'd be like two peas in a pod.

"How did you meet?" The android asked, his LED swirled yellow.

Andrea scratched her neck, a sheepish look in her eyes. She let out a breath, "About five years ago, around the same time I became Lieutenant, I was invited to the annual police banquet and they just so happened to invite Elijah. To thank him for the new police androids or something. It was the first time anyone had seen him since 2028. He struck up a conversation with me." Connor tilted his head, narrowing his eyes. Andrea was an attractive woman in nearly everyone's eyes, Connor knew that. Kamski wanted her. Well, at least, back then he did. "It didn't go anywhere. We exchanged numbers and I'd occasionally go to his house for drinks. Kamski doesn't really like... going out. But I was fine with that, talking with Chloe was nice."

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