Chapter 6

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Allison hair and outfit

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Allison hair and outfit

This past week has been different for the most part mr and Nathan have good conversations he's still pretty funny to me it feels natural not forced. But he's still just okay in my book but he's kind of a friend to me I don't know it's weird especially the whole ' nalliison' thing like what if that happens what will it be like

'I get out my car. Open my truck. Started getting. Boxes Maggie is here to help me. Why are we doing this again?' Maggie asked me while she helped me get stuff out of my car

' the big brother big sister program the day we are going to spend time with little kids and this count as a grade because we did not pick the other volunteer work'. I said we got the final boxes are started setting up the the art and crafts table also the snack table

While setting up Maggie tried sneaking a snack I smacked her hand
' but Allie-'
'These are for the kids' I said Maggie gives me her puppy dog eyes
' but I'm hungry' she says
'You'll get some food later these are for the kids' I said she finally gave in and waited patiently for her food

Maggie seen the boys coming with boxes

'Hey Trey and Nate ' Maggie said
'Sup ' the boys said ' so you guys picked the big brother big sister program too?' Trey asked while unpacking the boxes

' yeah, we're going to be stuck here all day' Maggie said she still kind of tired

' it's going to be fine I love little kids' I said As I. Was Finishing setting up everything

' yeah guys we can do it just have to spend a whole day with 8-9 year olds' Nathan said

' as long as none of them throw up on met Trey said Nathan-looked at him
'A kid threw up on you?' Maggie asked
' yeah last summer I was a working at Disney then a kid threw up everywhere' Trey said

'Dude that was months ago let it go'
Nathan says
' that what the kid did to me t he let it go all over me'. Trey said

'You're going to be okay' Maggie said

' oh shit I forgot a box in my car I'll be back' I said. But before I left

' I can go with you' Nathan said I didn't see the problem in it nothing bad just a kind of friend helping me no big deal
'Okay let's go' as we walked away Trey and Maggie looked at me making couple faces

They are so goofy as we got to the car I unlocked i my car it was in the back on the floor

' so how's Mr.pebbles?' He asked as he helped me ' he's okay still mad you have him that name's said locking my car again
'You agreed on it' he said we started walking and talking
'Yeah but you came up with it' I said

'Yeah but you kept it' I chuckled a little 'it has a ring to it okay' we both laughed. 'Sure you like it' he says I didn't deny it moment like these feel natural to me maybe I do like him I don't even know

Hour later the kids came all of them were excited they had fun Maggie almost lost her kid ..don't ask how but my kid is adorable very creative but what really stood out to me is Nathan the whole day he's very good with kids he's gentle with them I love it

As I was coloring with my kid a random question popped up
'Is that tell boy over there you're boyfriend?' She asked
' who?'
'The one with the blue hoodie and broken hair' she pointed at Nathan

' no he's not my boyfriend, just a friend why you think that?'

'Because the way you look at hun and my friend said he says you're pretty' she said

He thinks I'm pretty? Wait he talks about me

'Yeah but he's just a friend ' I said with a calm voice and I smiled looking at him

As the day continues I helped pass snacks Nathan and his kid was next in line

' hey kiddo what do you want?' I said
' some chips and a caprisun'. he said

I grabbed them for him. 'Here's you go buddy' I said handing him his snacks You're right she is pretty '. The kid said

I looked at Nathan
'You think I'm pretty?' I. Asked Nathan he looked like he was nervous he really think I am pretty that's sweet of him maybe he does have a thing for me
' umm ah..Jack let's go before you miss out on the sack race' Nathan said they rushed.

'He thinks I'm pretty' I said to myself
'I told you' my kid said

The day finishes and the kids left I had great time not over the nathan calling me pretty thing it's kind of unbelievable to me as we cleaned up

' see Trey no kid threw up on you' Maggie said
'Yeah but could have'. Trey said they continue to clean up

While me and Nathan
'You had fun today?' Nathan asked me
'Yeah I love spending time with kids I got my grade and I learn new information'' I said looking at him

'. I mean I wasn't lying' he said
'So you think I'm pretty?' I said looking at him.
' I wasn't.lying' we stared at each other for a moment I feel the tension it's heavy and is it hot in here I think I'm hot he's- well he's um

'Whatever you say Mr. Woods' I said I broke the eye contact and finished clearing up

We have tension and I don't hate it

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