Where Are You Toga

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As Deku continued his vigilante work, he still kept Toga on his mind as he looks at the scarred bite mark she left him on his right forearm, which he would look at time to time. With Toga no longer around, Deku faced even more assassins and villains which changed him to be more darker and menacing to villains who dare face him. Due to this change he decided to to abandon all the other Heroes including All Might, who wanted nothing but to help him. now being on his own, he had nothing to hold back, so each time he faced an assassin, he will force them to reveal where All For One and Shigaraki were located. But each time he tried getting information out of the assassins they would provide him with nothing. So he would just leave them strung up with black whip and have heroes coming get them. Being completely restless he did not stop in his search and was dedicated to find All For One and Shigaraki, no matter what or who gets in his way. So one day while being attacked by a crowd of civilians who were being mind controlled by one of All For One's assassins, he was then saved by no other than Katsuki Bakugou, who used one of his explosions attacks to take care of the villain who was mind controlling the civilians. Once the mind controlling villain was taking care of, all the civilians who are under his control soon getting their consciousness and began running away, leaving Deku on the floor with a few scratches and bruises. After the civilians all ran away, Deku raised his head up and saw Bakugou and standing behind him where all the other students of class 1A. While looking at all of them for the very first time in a long time, they begin telling him to come back to UA, but he knows he can't do that just yet. So as Deku grabs the reminisce of his mask and places it over his face, he didn't stand back up on his own two feet and looks over at everyone else and refuses to come back. From hearing his choice, the students of class 1A were not accepting it. So the very people he chose to protect and keep safe are now in his way. From this Deku decided not to face them head on and instead to get away from them. So with this choice made, Deku began to use every quirk in his arsenal to get away from his friends. But in a big surprise, they were all prepared for this situation. So each student of class 1A had a part to play of capturing Deku. Eventually after a long and grueling time, they finally got Deku where they wanted him to be. And due to this, Bakugou finally apologize to Deku and called him by his real name. After hearing him say this, Deku hears everyone else around him, begging him to come back and be a whole class again. From hearing all of them, Deku realizes that the sadness, he wanted to wash away from them was all due to him for going off on his own and putting the burden on himself. So with this realization he accepts to go back to UA with everyone else. But suddenly from accepting to go back, all the strength all the strength in his body vanished, making him go weak as he then begin to fall forward but was soon caught by Bakugou. From barely having any strength to move let alone stand, Shouji decides to carry Deku on his back.


Finally returning to UA, Deku did not hear the sounds of people cheering for his return, instead it was the complete opposite. The civilians inside of UA were shouting and screaming at Deku to leave at once since he is the main target of All For One. His friends tried defending him at all cost but the civilians did not care what they had to say instead they wanted him to leave now and never come back. From hearing all the civilians words, Deku had a feeling that it would be best to leave. So what everyone's back was turned, Deku turned away from everyone and begin walking over to the gates he was brought to. The while walking away he heard a familiar voice screaming out. Turning around and looking up, Deku sees Uraraka on top of the building of UA high, holding a speakerphone in her hands. Uraraka screams out and tell everyone that Deku deserves to come back because this is his hero academia and his home. From everyone hearing this heartfelt speech, the civilians who refuse to have Deku return changed their minds and decided to let him come back. With everyone looking back at him they see him in complete tears as he then falls to his knees. And right away two people run over to him to welcome him back with open arms, which are Kota and Ippan. After finally being accepted back to UA, he was then returned to the dorms where he was then scrub clean from all the grime. Once Deku was finally clean, he sat on the couch and immediately fell asleep. But while sleeping he then began to hear his name being called out by Toga.


"Izuku. Izuku it's time to wake up."

Opening his eyes, Deku sees Toga laying on the floor with him, as she has her hand cupping his left cheek.




"It looked like you were having a bad dream."

Looking right at Toga, Deku begins looking around and sees that he is in Toga's old bedroom. Which makes him think, but everything he experienced was nothing but a dream. So looking right back at Toga, good places his hand on top of hers.




"It's okay Izuku. I'm here."

Hearing her say those words, Deku smiles as he then closes his eyes.


"I'm glad you are."

As Deku opens his eyes to look at Toga, he sees that she is no longer there. So he sits up and sees that the room he was in was not there anymore, instead he was now in a dark void. Picking himself back up on his feet, Deku also takes notice that he is wearing his tattered hero suit. Wondering what was going on? He then felt a cold shiver run down his spine. From turning around, Deku sees Shigaraki. So he quickly gets into a fighting stance and prepares himself.


"So you want to fight me next huh?"




"Take a look."

Saying that, Shigaraki points down at Deku's feet, which Deku looks down and sees nearby the bodies of his friends.


"And they weren't the only ones trying to stop me."

From hearing him say this, Deku then felt someone grab on to his suit from behind. Feeling this he also hears a familiar voice.


"I... Izuku."

Looking over his shoulder he sees Toga covered in blood and injured. Seeing that he quickly turns around and grabs hold of her.




"Izuku... Where were you?"



Before Deku could say anything further on, Toga's fell onto Deku's chest.


"Toga?... Toga!?"

With no response coming from her, Deku falls to his knees with her in his arms. As he held onto Toga tightly, he raised his head up and cried out.


"You can save anyone."

Shigaraki says this as he then as he then placed his hand on Deku's face. But right after feeling Shigaraki hand, Deku opens his eyes an extends his hand out making black width appear. But before you can make it go any further he sees Uraraka in front of him, who smiles at him.


"Morning Deku. Did you sleep well?"



Ask Deku retracts black whip, he looks around and sees everyone else who greet him a good morning. But while looking at everyone he sees that everyone is fine. Which makes Deku wonder where Toga is?

~To be continued~

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