Accept Them

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After having a discussion with his friends, Deku slipped out of the dorms without anyone noticing. Being outside the dorms he began searching the entire grounds of UA for Toga to see if she actually came to UA. Almost an hour of searching through buildings and the outside, Deku wasn't able to find Toga at all. He even tried locating her with danger sense to see if she was using her quirk to hide as a civilian among the crowd of people in UA. But but even after doing so, Deku did not pick up anything at all. Now realizing that she wasn't here, Deku begin thinking on where she is and if she is okay? He continued thinking this as he walked through the campus of UA. Eventually he arrived at a cliffside that was behind the school that overlooked half of the destroyed City.


"Toga... where are you?"

Deku says this as he places his left hand over the bandages wrapped around his forearm which is covering the scarred bite mark left by Toga.



From hearing Uraraka's voice, Deku's body suddenly jolts as he removes his hand from over his forearm to turn around to see Uraraka.


"U-Uraraka, hey what are you doing here?"


"Well I came looking for you, everyone did."




"Yeah. When we found out that you left the dorms, me and everyone else split up to find you. And I guess I was the first one to find you."


"Yeah you were. Sorry."

He says this as he glances away from Uraraka who goes up to him and places a hand on his left shoulder.


"It's okay Deku."

Hearing her say this with a smile on her face, Deku glances back at her and smiles as well. After that, the both of them begin looking out at the destroyed city together.


"Hey Deku."


"Yeah Uraraka?"


"It's really good to have you back. It's been kind lonely without you here. So I'm just so happy that we got you back here."

Hearing her say this, Deku looks over at her and sees a smile on her face.


"Well it's good to be back. And it's all thanks to you and everyone else. If you guys didn't come after me, then I will most likely still be out there."


"Yeah you would be. It must have been lonely out there."

As she said this, Deku begin to remember his time with Toga while he was out there.


"Matter of fact I wasn't that lonely at all."


"Huh? Are you talking about All Might and the other Heroes who are helping you out there?"


"No I'm not. I'm talking about someone else who helped me and even saved my life."

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