Together For Ever

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As the morning finally came, Toga opened her eyes and saw the Deku wasn't laying next to her. Seeing that she immediately set up, but I'm doing so she then hears the sound of something sizzling. So she turns her head towards the kitchen and sees Deku cooking.



Hearing Toga say his name, Deku looked over at Toga and smiled.


"Ah you're awake. I went ahead and started cooking some breakfast. Would you like some?"

Looking over at Deku, Toga smirked has she then  nodded her head.


"Yeah. I'll love some."


"All right then, I'll go ahead and serve you."

With that said, Deku turn back to the stove and begin putting some eggs and bacon on two plates. After doing so he then turned off the stove and proceeded to grab the plates and go over to the table where he then place them down and took a seat on the floor.


"Breakfast is served."

Deku says that as he looks over at Toga who then go over to the table and sits next to Deku. After shortly glancing at one another, then looked away as even put their own hands together.

~Deku / Toga~

"Thank you for the meal." "Thank you for the meal."

With that said, they both begin eating their breakfast. Minutes later after having breakfast, Deku decided that he should leave, which Toga thought was a good idea since she didn't want anyone of the other girls in the dorms to find out that he spent the night with her, which will definitely start some rumors here and there. So Toga escorted Deku  through the dorm until eventually reaching the front doors which they both opened and stepped outside together weather than faced one another."


"I guess I'll be going now."


"Yeah I guess so. Thanks for everything Izuku."


"Don't mention it. And if you need anything else I'm just One call away."


"Hehe, good to know. And I'll talk to you later, Izuku."


"Yeah, you too?"

With that said Deku walking down the steps of the dorm. But soon stops as he then turns around and walks up the stairs back to Toga.


"Uh Himiko."


"Yes Izuku?"


"I wanted to ask you this yesterday but didn't find a good time to tell you. So I wanted to tell you that me and my friends are throwing a little party to celebrate the end of our first year in UA, and I wanted to ask if you would like to come."


"A party with your friends huh?


"Yeah, it's okay if you don't want to come though."


"No! I do want to come."



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