Chapter Eleven: Friend Request

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"You don't have to overthink it," I instructed my class. Easier said than done. "Now, let's get into a comfortable seated position and bring your hands together in front of your heart. This is referred to as Anjali Mudra. And, with your one word intention in mind, let's continue our breathing."




The only word on my mind for the past twenty-four hours was done. Was I really done? I had to be. For my own well-being, I had to move on.

After leaving Theo at the cafe, I requested a driver to take me to Alex and Athena's house. I picked up my car from their driveway and drove home. Then, I locked myself in my apartment, stuffing my face with junk food and crying my eyes out while watching sad movies. I fell asleep on my couch and woke up with a sore back. I contemplated skipping work, but I found the strength to drag myself to the studio. I couldn't fall into bad habits. I didn't want to have another depressive episode.

So, as I wrapped up my last class for the day, I couldn't help but replay everything that happened in my mind. It was easy to end a relationship, but moving on was a whole nother hurdle. I left the gym —in my own head— and walked to my car. As I approached the driver's door, I noticed an envelope on my windshield. I grabbed the envelope, confused, and saw my name written on it in Theo's handwriting. Slowly, I opened the envelope, pulled out a letter and read it.

My Dearest Thalia,

I know you're done with me and, most likely, you don't want to hear from me. I promise I'll give you space. But please, don't ask me to sever all ties with you. I don't think I could if I wanted to. I miss you so much, Thalia. I regret not showing you how much you mean to me. I regret not telling you how much you mean to me. So, I've decided to give you the words that have been in my heart since the first day I've met you. I'm not a poet or very great with expressing myself, but for you I'd try anything. So, here's my attempt at some words.

Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
With every breath I take,
I think of you.

Okay, go ahead and laugh. I know you want to.

I plan to write to you every day for the rest of my life. I understand if you choose not to read my letters. But, please understand this is something I have to do.

Yours Always,

After finishing the letter, I stuffed the envelope in my bag, opened my car door, sat in the driver's seat, and snorted with laughter. Not a poet? Tell me about it.

Half an hour later, I was in my kitchen, making myself a snack, when my phone vibrated with an incoming call. I grabbed it and answered the call.

"Hi dad," I greeted. "Are you back in LA?"

"Hey my little ballerina, I just got back," he confirmed.

"I thought you were only going to dispatch your drivers. Dad, you're supposed to be retiring soon."

"It was a big load and I didn't have any available drivers."

"Ugh," I groaned. "Dad, at this rate you'll never retire."

His chuckles rumbled through the phone. "I still have a few more years left in me. Anyway, speaking of getting older, your uncle called me earlier. Dianne is hosting a birthday party for him this weekend."

"That sounds great, dad. I'll be there."

"Umm, you know sweetheart...your uncle will understand if you can't make it."

"What? Why wouldn't I come to Uncle Leo's birthday?"

I heard my dad clear his throat but he didn't reply.

"Dad?" I questioned. "Is Theo invited too?"

"Most likely," he huffed. "I just don't want you to get upset if you see him."

"Dad, I'm a grown-up. I can handle seeing my ex at a party."

"You know, sweetheart, I can always carry my pocket knife."

"Dad," I scolded. "I don't need you pulling a Vivi."

"Fine," he grumbled.

"Dad, promise me you'll ignore Theo if he's there."

After a beat or two, he finally responded. "I prom."

"Prom?" I asked. "What's that?"

"Half a promise," he answered, seriously.

"Dad, have you been watching reality shows again?"

"Maybe," he rumbled through his laughter.

"That's great, dad. Nice way to keep up with pop culture," I teased.

"Anyway sweetheart, I'd better go. I need to drop off the truck and head home. I'll see you soon."

"K, dad. See you soon." I smiled as I hung up.

I carried my phone with me to the barstool as I sat down to eat my snack. I was browsing my social media when I noticed a new friend request. I pulled it open and saw a request from Noelle Banks.

What? How?

Had Theo —finally— decided to tell his parents about me?

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