If You Give a Rokurokubi a Chance

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Alice was in an unusually good mood. As she went from market stall to market stall purchasing food, she had a lightness to her step.

Shanghai was with her, the weather was nice, and she'd made a new friend after who knows how long. Said new friend had called her 'endearing' and 'cute' too...

It could be said that she practically radiated as she loaded up on supplies.

Alice had just finished securing a particularly good deal on apples when a little human girl ran up to her with stars in her eyes.

"Whoa! Who are you? Are those dolls?"

Alice, indulging the child's curiosity, answered simply. "My name is Alice, and yes these are my dolls. What's your name, little one?"

"Wow, they are so beautiful! I'm Sachi!"

"Thank you, Sachi. I made them myself."

Just then, the child's mother approached. "Oh Sachi, there you are! What have I told you about running off by yourself!?" She appeared to sigh in relief. "I'm sorry if she's bothering you, miss."

Alice waved it off. "It's quite alright. She was asking about my dolls. I cannot fault her for being curious."

"Can you make one for me?" Sachi blurted out.

The child's mother turned to her. "Oh honey, I'm sure she doesn't have time for that. Look at how busy she is with shopping."

"Perhaps... I could find the time to do that. I'm a dollmaker by trade."

"You wouldn't mind doing that for her?"

"Well, it would not be finished today, and, naturally, it would not be free, but I could craft a doll for her."

The woman observed the quality of Alice's dolls. "Will it be expensive? I'm not sure we have the money for that."

Again, Alice brushed off the concern. "We can discuss payment later. I would never ask for more than you are able to afford."

"Well, alright. As long as it's no trouble."

"Yay! A doll!"

Alice knelt down to the girl's height. "Now, would you like the doll to look like you, or did you have another style in mind?"

"Ooo! Look like me! Look like me!"

"Very well." Alice took note of the girl's distinctive features. This included eye color, hair style, and outfit.

Once she was done, she stood back up. "As I said previously, it will take some time to make the doll. If you would like to meet back at this market in three days, I should have it ready for you."

"Wow! I can't wait!"

The woman smiled. "Thank you. I'm sure she'll love it." Then, she takes her child's hand. "Come on, let's go get that next delivery."

And with that, they were gone, leaving Alice and her dolls standing alone. She smiled to herself. It'd been a while since someone had commissioned a doll from her. Ideas for the design had already started forming in her mind.

~~~~~~Tradition's End~~~~~~

The sun was beginning to set when a thought popped into Eric's head. Y'know, I haven't talked to Keine in a while.

He'd been contemplating and drafting interview questions for a solid hour. He stood up from his desk.

A visit to Keine's would be a good excuse to stretch his legs. Heck, she might even have some info on his newest (and only) applicant.

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